¿Mac & Impulse & Altiverb 5?


Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL
:erk: So the only impulse I've been able to import in to Altiverb 5 successfully is the one that Kazrog posted up. Guessing cuzz it was an SDII file. I've tried converting the wav's into SDII but Altiverb either ignores them or gives me errors. Tried IR Pre Processor it dosent like the resulting SDII giving me errors. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Don't bother with the SDII file dude. Just use the AltiVerb preset (the folder within the folder.) Drag it into your AltiVerb impulses folder.

I provided the SDII file for people to use to convert the impulse to use with other programs besides AltiVerb (my program of choice.)
Guess I should clear up my question...
I've tried importing say splat88's impulse into altiverb. I also use Barbabatch to convert wavs to SDII, So I thought, either I'm not clear how to import them into Altiverb or there just not working. So I used Kazrog SDII file to see if I'm doing it right even tho I didnt have to & it worked just fine (by the way thanks Kazrog). So how do I get the wav impulses to work in Altiverb after I convert them to SDII? Have you had any luck with these wav impulses your self Kazrog have you tried splat88's ?
thanks for the help, I hope to get this sorted out.
SocialNumb said:
Guess I should clear up my question...
I've tried importing say splat88's impulse into altiverb. I also use Barbabatch to convert wavs to SDII, So I thought, either I'm not clear how to import them into Altiverb or there just not working. So I used Kazrog SDII file to see if I'm doing it right even tho I didnt have to & it worked just fine (by the way thanks Kazrog). So how do I get the wav impulses to work in Altiverb after I convert them to SDII? Have you had any luck with these wav impulses your self Kazrog have you tried splat88's ?
thanks for the help, I hope to get this sorted out.

Yes you have to convert them to SDII for AltiVerb to be able to generate a preset off of them. They have all worked for me.
ok I got a few seconds time to explain something that I over looked.... didn't know Altiverb still could use SDII files... so it was as easy as dragging them in there, after converting from wav to SDII. I hate changing OP for everytime mac makes a significant change... things get buggy after each upgrade.... till I work them all out and bingo... solid!

you all be good kick ass back to work!
one irritating thing is that after converting splat's files to sd2 and changing the preset path in altiverb, kazrog's impulse is now generating som f-ed up noise that under water. And the only thing I changed was the path to the presets (had it set to /impulses/kazrog/ and not /impulses/)