

New Metal Member
Feb 28, 2006
Vart kan man köpa biljetter till spelningen i Örebro? hittar fan ingenting :cry:
No need to worry about that. George W Bush will just mistake Switzerland for Sweden and attack the wrong nation :)

Stygian Sins: It is cool! You can hear some swedish in a few AA-songs.

Annihilation of Hammerfest

Allvise ygg, mäktige härjafader
Gudar av asars och vaners ätt
Hör mina ord, när som jag svär
Att om tusen vintrar åter ta vår rätt

Also in Ride for Vengeance there's some swedish:

Mäktiga gudar,
i gyllene salen.
Hjälp mig i striden
mot sondräparna,
Den höge skall
För huggen hämnas
och blod skall gäldas
i blod

I guess you already knew this, but there you go anyway!
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
What are you going to do about it? Send the americans on us?

almost, i'm gonna send you the american mod Thrymfal ;)

by the way i was just playing fuck nuts.
I made the trip by car from Gothenburg and of course it was well worth it since the show was great, as usual :)

And late as always: I pre-ordered my tickets at Najz Prajz, was no problems at all.

I thought they (the tickets) were a bit cheap though, only 80 SEK for an Amon Amarth show?
Charge some more so the guys get something out of it too :D