1 ticket available for Blind Guardian @ Palladium Fri Dec 1st


Mar 1, 2005
Albany NY
Ticket sold. Thanks a bunch

I hate doing this but my boyfriend is going on a skiing trip instead and the only other one person I know who listens to this music is a flake when it comes to committing to anything. So I have 1 extra ticket. They cost me $61.25 total with tickets.com fees. Tickets at the door will be $25 and I know this won't sell out so I'll take a bit of a hit and sell the ticket for $25 and meet you at the show to exchange money/ticket.
PM me if you have any interest.
skiing > blind guardian??
get a new boyfriend, :p

He's not really a BG fan. Never liked Hansi's voice and prefers death metal or stuff like Therion. Though the saddest part is he doesn't even ski but it's a trip that a bunch of his friends from college have been doing since they graduated and all moved to their perspective parts of the country. The trip is usually the first weekend in Dec and our first year dating, he missed my birthday (the 6th) because of it. I went last year but I don't ski either and it's an expensive trip when you don't ski
HEY! :u-huh: what's that supposed to mean?



Nuttin. I love Therion. I'm also the reason he likes Therion. They're just hard to define so I said stuff. Could say Gothic Metal but he doesn't like most gothic metal. I also forgot to include Kamelot as he's a huge Kamelot fan (also got him into them). He's just not a big fan of your typical power metal. He tried to get into Demons and Wizards last album because he likes The Dark Tower but couldn't get past Hansi's voice.
Ticket still available :waah:

Whoops sorry I didnt get back to you! I have the old age thing...senile, alzheimers, etc etc.

Anyways I might have been interested if the opener was decent, but neither band does anything for me.

Enjoy the show, and make sure you hit up THE IRISH TIMES PUB across the street. Awesome place (especially for a lush like me lolol).
Meh I am just so not into the BeeGees I mean Blind Guardian. They do absolutely nothing for me. I saw em in MA a few years back with Symphony X and actually walked out after the 3rd song and went to the Irish Times. What a call as the SX boys were in there and I got to buy them a round! \m/