1 Watt Tube Beast / Homebuild


Austrian Blech Machine
Aug 21, 2009
Vienna, Austria
My buddy and other guitarplayer in my band is a lot into building audiostuff himself these days, he started with an tubescreamer kit and build this 1 Watt tubeamp after wards.
Yesterday we tried miking this monster (lol) up this is what came out after about 1 hour and some mixing.


the clean channel sounds really nice, distortion hasnt got that much gain, but with the DIY tubescreamer in front it was enough hehe.
also it got loude than I imagined.
heres some pix (excuse the shitty cellphone camera)

chain was ESP Horizon NT II -> DIY TS -> 1Watt Amp -> Randall 4x12 with V30's (but we only used 2 speakers) -> SM57
EQ and Comp afterwards.

I dunno were he ordered the kit for the amp, but it sounded nice for an overall price of about 160€. :rock:
Also his customizing was epic haha
it sounds really great :|
where do you have the schematics of that little monster? or layouts or some information about it?!

very nice man!
Thanks a lot guys! I really appreciate it, it was the first time I mixed/recorded something less "metal".
Also the amp has more of a rock sound than metal, that's why we went for a more rock style clip.
Here's some infos he sent me:

The Kit can be purchased here (german):

The Projects homepage (french) : http://www.projetg5.com/
diagram : http://www.projetg5.com/Projets/G1/V3/G1V3.pdf

- overall costs: ~250$ (170€)
- gain, tone, volume, clean/overdrive, bright switch, scoop switch
- preamp: 1xEF86, 1x12AX7 (stock: 12AU7)
- poweramp: 1x12BH7

+ heres some pics of the interior:


We mainly did those recordings because there were no soundclips on the homepage I think :lol:
Wow, thanks! It's a shame that all the instructions are in French, but I might just have to order this kit. The clips sounds really nice, and if I can get a kickass 1W amp which I can use in my apartment for 150€ and a bit of work it sounds like quite a deal.
@ Wolfeman:
Haha, yeah DIY is cool (thinking of the Hellfire), unfortunately I'm not that fit with electronics, fortunately my bandmate is ;)
He's allready thinking about building the "Anvil Preamp Kit" some time...think he just has some respect for the high voltages at the moment^^

@ B36arin: No problem dude!
Yeah, he also bitched about everything beeing in french, but I think it went well with google translator anyway ;)
It's good for that price imo. he uses it in the livingroom now I think, when his GF occupies his room for the pc lol