100% Analog Metal Mix


New Metal Member
Jun 23, 2009
Hi Guys!

I produced/mixed that song a few month ago at my AE school in Paris, France.
Although the band were recorded and edited in the digital domain with ProTools, all the mix has been done with analog outboard gear.
The console used was an SSL AWS 900+.

This a big premiere since this is my first Metal Mix, and first real Clients.
I had a great time doing it, so I hope you'll enjoy it.

Feel free to ask about the signal flow, I'll be glad to answer.


It's a pretty good mix. The singer's voice is kinda strange. This band sounds a bit like Emmure, I like that.
hahaha emmure! if anything it reminds me a little of ETID and that's even a gnat's nad of a comparison, I like the guitars though!