1176, G-SSL 4000, Sontec master EQ


Mar 15, 2010

Next to our studio activities we started a little company: Custom Outboard.
It's more of a hobby getting a little out of hand :Spin:

Custom Outboard specializes in building analog studio equipment.
The things we build are clones of already existing equipment.
All the equipment is hand build and consists of high quality components.
The equipment is build on demand.

Models who are currently available are:

G-SSL 4000 Buscompressor €800,-
1176 Revision-A compressor €950,-
1176 Revision-D compressor €950,-
Sontec master EQ €1050,-

Al prices are excl. 19% Vat but incl. shipping

For a demo of the equipment check the movies:

G-SSL 4000:


This is our own 1176, the ones we build do not have a brandname on them.

Just for extra clearance: we are selling CLONES and not the original equipment.

For more info and questions please contact us

Custom Ourboard
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is it legal to put the brand name on a clone?
don´t misunderstand me but i don´t want you to get into trouble when selling these units commercially.
they seem pretty good judging from youtube and laptop speakers.
is it legal to put the brand name on a clone?
don´t misunderstand me but i don´t want you to get into trouble when selling these units commercially.
they seem pretty good judging from youtube and laptop speakers.

Well, I'm pretty sure those cases are made by Purusha, who had many problems for putting the brand names on his stuff. So... not legal indeed.
Sounds great from the clips - you guys should really change the faceplates though. I don't think anyone has a problem running a clone as long as it sounds good - but making counterfeit products is illegal. I don't think any of us care what it says on the front or looks like - it's the sound that matters.
(Ermz, i've still got that miss temptation mp3, damn good song it was too and had a beauty of a mix)

Ah, cool man, I'm glad. What does it have to do with this thread though? :lol:

They look like nice clones. Will you be doing demos of the Sontec? I'm considering forking out for one of those, since I don't want to bother my usual builder, hehe.

EDIT: Actually wait, I think I know what kev means. It was the first quick mix I used both my 1176 Rev A and GSSL on together. Here it is for your reference, if you want to hear them in the mix.

GSSL on master bus. 1176 A on lead vox. 1176 D on bass. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/285689/MissTemptation-4.mp3

EDIT 2: Actually I get it... the damn vocal line is in the 1176 demo, haha.
Agreed. On the price too.

I had an 1176A and 1176D both made into a single case, single PSU unit for cheaper than the asking price for a single 1176A here.

yeah, usually VERY WELL made clones go between 550 and 650€
(mine is RevJ btw...slightly reworked layout without using the T-attenuator)
Does the Rev J have input and output transformers? They can account for a fair bit of the extra cost. I got the older revisions because they were reputed to have the best vibe, and I don't regret it.

output yes, input no...atm, but it's got the option to just re-wire it and use an inpout tranny instead of the op amp...thought about doing that
got mine rather cheap (500 I think).

to the OP: ah, I see, makes sense of course, sorry for derailing your thread.
damn they sound good.
I've got two gssl boards here i need to make.
Where'd you get the cases for the ssl from?
www.diy-racked.com I assume:


One thing to note is that case doesn't have the drill hole to account for a Turbo mode switch. The turbo mode is necessary to get the side chain behaving more like a real SSL bus comp.