1176 project.. kinda...


Mar 9, 2009
I've been building one of these 1176 clones on and off for a couple of months. Mainly off because I've been pretty poor/on holiday etc. I'll be putting up a thread when I get the thing finished and giving a running breakdown of problems/costs and all that other shit.

You can expect a thread with real pictures, real drums and real people!


Anyway, here's how it looks in my rack just now... just gotta cut holes in the back of the case and wire the thing up.

It's Hairball stuff yeah. Mike is a really cool guy, he made an error on the faceplate order and there was no brackets to mount the switches, he replied to my email in an hour and was very apologetic. Had the bits within 5 days, which was super fast :)

I'll put it in the Equipment forum, keep an eye out for it.
Gotta build one of those someday. I was messing with the Fatso '1176' emulation on the studio I work on, and it sounds so much better than plugins, so the real deal should kick major ass.
I've actually already got a thread written out and saved on my computer, but I'm waiting until I get everything finished.

I've got little bits of stuff to get, but I'm quite sufficiently under £500. You'll get the final total in the thread. Supply for stuff was easy. My only major concern now is... will I get it to work? Eek! haha