
The forum has a long memory.

I'll add that a lot of what was this forum has moved to the PPUSA Facebook page, but some die hards refuse to let this place die. I don't like Facebook and go there as little as possible.

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I'm not a fan of the surveillance economy or centralizing the internet, so Facebook is right on out for me.

Mostly, not much happens here anymore, and it's pretty sad. I miss the lively old times (and I wasn't even here the best stuff).
yeah I miss the interaction here and my other metal board. It's a dying thing I'm not big on FB...too many big brother things keep an eye on what goes on there including your employer.
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I'm not a huge fan of Facebook either, and thus this is where I go to post my thoughts and reviews of each date of PPUSA. It may not get a lot of response from members, but it satisfies my latent (or not so latent) desire to be a music critic :)
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I'm not a fan of the surveillance economy or centralizing the internet, so Facebook is right on out for me.

Mostly, not much happens here anymore, and it's pretty sad. I miss the lively old times (and I wasn't even here the best stuff).

Ha. I'm guessing you work in IT. You know too much to "appreciate" Facebook.
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Please don't go away. I continue to try to keep this board alive with updates and such. It will only die if we let it. Let's not....

I like most of your updates and news. I read some of it myself before you post but you get a really good mix of stuff.

Like most IT workers I hate the idea of FB and the like so forums it is. But forums aren't without their SJW's who need to tell everyone how wrong other people are. And metal forums seem like a breeding ground for mature insults like "gay" and "faggot" (actually I think I remember reading on one of the metal news sites earlier this year metal fans are the worst for insulting each other, like it's some kind of honour badge).

Anyway I spent more than 12 months reading these boards before signing up (not just because of SJW's) it's not good to see decent board die but sometimes it's better to have less people. :)

Not being in the USA and not getting all the good concerts means I spend more time day dreaming than having anything of value to add to many of the PPUSA threads though, but they are still good to read :)
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I'm hoping this board's value will again be seen someday once people's infatuation with Facebook diminishes. You can't replicate the functionality this forum gives in Facebook. Here threads can be revived sometimes years after they've been started. On Facebook its more of a short attention span experience with no facility for having a good long term discussion on a specific topic. Facebook is geared towards giving Zuck & Co the maximum data mining opportunities.

Welcome to the board @Slammed & hope you stay and make it to a PPUSA festival from wherever you live.
I don't know if FB will ever die or even fade especially given the way it's used. I do hate it and I never share anything but it does have it's uses. Getting updates on bands and stuff directly from the source is one good thing. Following a hundred bands can get annoying (thankfully I don't) but too many of the rag sites write absolute shit these days.

Sites like Metal Injection, Bravewords and Blabbermouth really do take liberty with the truth some days and all of them rely on sensationalistic headlines to get readers on the site. MI is terrible for it, you can read the same article on MI and any other site and the MI version will have a headline that is just click bait and often their written words are twisted, or only partially taken from the source. At least getting the information from the band directly on FB there is some hope that the source is reliable.

MI proved how pathetic news reporting has become a few weeks back when they reported that the first Iron Maiden album would have sounded like Queen album if not for the producer (or whoever) telling Bruce Dickinson which bits to remove. Anyone with half a brain should know Bruce wasn't around for the first Iron Maiden album, their picture didn't even show Bruce but MI still cut and pasted the story from another site and changed the text. Then about five hours after posting when people were commenting on the poor work they simply changed to the original text (the weblink remained though) and didn't even acknowledge the fact that they deliberately changed someone elses story and published it.

Dammit I defended FB! I'm ashamed of myself.
Actually, that Iron Maiden story was about Dennis Stratton being told by Rod Smallwood that if it was done the way DS wanted it done, it would have sounded like Queen. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
The original article did say that, even the article on Bravewords said that but for some reason MI cut and pasted it then changed Dennis to Bruce, they even put Bruce's name in the web address so it was hardly a mistake. It was poor form and unfortunately it's indicative of what some of those sites practise these days.

I follow a few bands on FB, I even read some of their updates in the hope that they are a little more accurate than the rag sites.

For me FB is a place for almost instant news from the source, rag sites are for comic value and forums are for discussing that news.

Oh and @NorseBlood thanks for the welcome life, family, work etc probably wont see me make too any USA festivals until I'm too old to rock but that's what forums are for. I can read about other people's experience and get jealous :)
While FB appears in some ways to have killed off the internet forum it's also dragged away a lot of those who just want instant gratification for what they say, and they are of little value to a forum anyway. A person can choose to share as little or as much information as they want on any platform but FB and Twitter etc are a fast moving platform where people can get their little pat on the back quickly and that's all that matters to some people.

Stay logged on to a forum 24/7 and post a response to every post you see and you're a know it all troll. Where as that same behaviour is encouraged on FB and the like.