I've been reading this board, along with the PM Rising and PMX^2 boards for about 10 years but have never posted anything. It does make me feel a bit guilty - like I'm consuming all these great recommendations without contributing anything myself. So here is my first contribution:
I'd like to say a big thanks to those, like KingsGene (but also many others), who continue to post new music here. They've been responsible for me finding so many new bands that I now love.
I also really hate facebook. I've tried joining prog power / metal related groups but rarely find any new bands I like there. Because all the comments are so short and it gets spammed with lots of material, I find myself flicking through very things quickly, without giving much of it a chance. Whereas, if someone has gone to the trouble of writing a long review on this forum, I am much more likely to listen to two or three songs before I make a decision.
I've noticed the amount of new music I've discovered and really liked in the last 12-18 months has diminished significantly. I don't know whether thats because this forum has been less active or there have been fewer good releases. Maybe I'm just getting old!