120W head into 1x12 cab with 100W speaker?


Kintsugi is coming
Feb 18, 2007
Gloucester, UK
I'm considering running a Bugera 6260 head which is 120W, through a 1 x 12 cab fitted with a Celestion 12GK-100 speaker (rated at 100W).

Is this going to be safe, or am I in danger of blowing the speaker?

I don't intend on going nuts on the volume, as it's mainly for use in a practice room. I know that I certainly can't run the amp into a single 60W or 75W rated speaker, since this is far more likely to knacker the speaker.

Anybody have experience of this? The reason for the 1x12 is for portability and because I don't have cash for a 2x12.
Thanks for the info guys. Although I love the sound of the V30s, I'm not sure I'm totally comfy running 120W into a speaker rated for 60W.........just in case!!

However, having said that, your comments have made me possibly re-consider my choice of speaker. I had been looking at the Celestion 12GK-100, primarily because it's high wattage and is suitable for metal. Are there any other speakers that I should look at for this 1x12? Perhaps down to 75W? 12GT-75s?
As mentioned you WILL be fine with the 60W V30. Your amp will NOT be "running 120W into a speaker rated for 60W".

Keep your Low-end and Master settings conservative and you should be fine.
EDIT: Too much long-winded shit cut out.
Thanks, I will check it out.

The other guitarist in my band plays a 6505+ 112 combo (the newish ones) which has the stock Sheffield speaker in it. He plays more lead to my rhythm - any suggestions for speakers to compliment that?