13 Candles - Angels Of Mourning Silence


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
13 Candles - Angels Of Mourning Silence
Vinyl Solution NIHIL22CD 1997
By Russell Garwood

Formed in 1992, 13 Candles, a cheesy vampire goth-rock band supposedly project “an aura of dark romanticism; embued (sic) with all that is dark & forbidden... the shadowed, secret places that each of us keep hidden
inside“ - Cacophonous Records. Upon listening however, I wish the band had kept it hidden inside.

Opening track “The Prayer Of Eternal Damnation“ is a laughable effort with unrealistic sound effects, a very fake organ and violins. Lyrics such as “we embrace our mortal life, and fear not our eternal damnation“ - the kind of thing an unoriginal comic horror villain would come up with - are tacky enough, but it only gets worse from there.

Second track, “Join Me In Death“ starts with a beat from a drum machine you would expect on a school video aimed at eleven year olds, which is then joined by extremely annoying tinny guitars and bad vocals. Track five “Siren (Nightingale Mix)“ only goes to show the band can not only fail to write
heavier songs, their ballads are pretty damn awful as well. The vocals in this track, however, are slightly better than earlier efforts, and the absence of noticeable drums has to be a good thing. From there on the album is even more samey, with the soft rock/goth dance feel and the constant
irritation of the guitar (which sounds like it comes from a cheap 10W amp) and drum machine throughout.

13 Candles claim to mix “elements of the Black Metal & industrial genres with the sanguinary delights of the realm of the vampire“ (Cacophonous Records), and I can see what they are trying to do. If they succeeded this would be a bad but entertaining record. However, by completely failing they
have made an album that is sheer comedy - downloading tracks like “Join Me In Death“ and “Carpathian Moonrise“ could be worth it solely for their laughter value. All in all this is one of the worst albums I have heard for a long time, but then with song titles like “Death Awaits You (Dracula The
Undead)“, “In The Name Of Darkness“ and “The Hunger Within“ was I expecting quality?