$14 for the Mayhem DVD? Yes please. Hellhammer is fast!!!!


Went for a trip to melnourne. And of course, melbourne has everything, Prometheus long sleeve T-Shirts, Hot japanese chicks.. YAY! And i made some purchases.

Enslaved - Maudraum $12

Mayhem European Legions DVD $14

so for the normal price of a cd ($30) I got these two items.

Just watched the DVD, and for A while, I have been wondering about hellhammer, hearing that he is quite good, but all I had heard from him was his work on Arcturus and Winds. But I sat there with my jaw on the ground for 84 minutes, as I watched Hellhammer shit royally on Trym. He is fucking fast, it is quite insane. I'm not a huge fan of Mayhem, but I was curious.. so.. VICTORY!!!

Bonus features include intervies with all the members of mayhem, as well as a short backstage thing showing some guy cutting this chicks wrists... fascinating..

The visual quality of the DVD was superb, and the sound was quite good, but had a bit of an echo. The show itself was amazing, this band mightn't have released much in the way of albums, but there live performance was so energetic.

I recommend this DVD to anyone who sees it.

I saw tonnes of other DVD's in melbourne too, Death, Cradle Of Filth.. and others I can't remember. And much sushi was eaten.
Kush, is that Mayhem DVD the one with the France gig on it?

Either way, when I saw the DVD, I just stared at the screen in my drunken stupor. *Prrrrprprprprpprprpr* He's insanely fast. I didn't (and still don't) like Mayhem's music, but if you pay attention only to the drums it's listenable. :)
Yes. that's exactly true. I was suprised by Maniac, because the vocals I heard before I got the DVD were AWFUL. But in the DVD they weren't to bad. The music is ok, not the best, but I enjoyed watching hell hammer. That's what made my jaw fall to the floor. It was just so amazing.
In the old school bm scene Hellhammer is amazing to be sure, but in alot of the more contemporary black/death etc he's not that special. Have you heard the Myrkskog drummer? Now that guy is insanely fast bm drummer...
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan

Just watched the DVD, and for A while, I have been wondering about hellhammer, hearing that he is quite good, but all I had heard from him was his work on Arcturus and Winds.

Kush, I showed you 'A Grand Declaration of War' (with express purpose of showing you his skills) and the Thorns album, both of which feature our man in question...
Originally posted by Sadistik
Living Sacrifice? THat drummer is lame!
BS. Completely 100% BS. If you think Lance Garvin of LS is lame, you simply either 1.) do not know what the heck you're talking about or 2.) have not listened to living sacrifice's music closely at all.

Here's the deal, sparky. LS came out with a self titled cd, 1991. The band members were 17 at the time. Some people call this slayer ripoff but I consider it a thrash masterpiece. Lance's drums are not amazing, but they are perfect timekeepers and he blows the crap out of a million other morons these days who say "me fast. Me hit snare on 2 and 4."

With the release of the 1992 album "nonexistent" Lance increased the drum skills. Nothing amazing yet.

Then came "Inhabit". In 1994 LS released this masterpiece of dm. It is an absolutely amazing release. Screw whatever preconceived notions you have of Lance Garvin. If you can't appreciate his technical ability by listening to this album, there is no hope for you. :)

You want blast beats? check out "In the shadow". You want mother fricking crazy fills with hemiola? (if you dont know what that is, its a pattern of two played over a pattern of three) check out "Not beneath". Double bass speed? check out "Indwelling". Complexity? "departure"

Then came 2 more albums from this band "reborn" and "the hammering process". They left their dm sound for a more complex metal sound. Their music started to be saturated with bizarre time signatures.

I'd like you to listen to these songs of the newest records "Liar", "Conditional", "Bloodwork", "No Longer", "Local Vengeance Killing" and then tell me living sacrifice's drummer sucks.

Originally posted by Eld
Hellhammers drum skills are best showcased on the new Arcturus, "The Sham Mirrors". Amazing stuff. He's better than Trym, while Trym is still excellent.

So it's official? I'm the only one that says his best work is on the Mayhem album, 'A Grand Declaration of War'.

Listen to it people.... the track, 'The Lies Where Upon You Lay' is probably the most amazingly drummed song in history.