14" Pearl Brass Freefloater Snare samples

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Hey guys

This is my snare, has a Remo Controlled Sound on top and a Remo amb on the bottom. The .zip has top, bottom and overhead (2 mics combined) samples for ghost notes, soft hits, hard hits and 'fill' hits (a little softer than hard). They are completely unprocessed.

My only request if you want to use these is to post your processed version up here, so I can see what my snare is capable of. I'm very new to mixing and I'm struggling to get a crisp, punchy tone out of.

If you've got any suggestions (mic'ing-wise) I'd be glad to take them. SM57 on top, pointing at the middle of the head, Beta52 on bottom (my only choice :/), pointing at the snare wires. 2xAKG C1000's on the overheads, panned 80% and combined into the one file, for use as reverb/room sound/etc.

Hey! Thanks for posting it. I'm gonna try it out on something later, but it sounds pretty cool just listening to it by itself!
Very cool snare :rock: It sounds solid. You should definitely find another mic for the bottom, the 52 has awful highs.