15 new MP3's for you minions to consume!

Oct 13, 2002
The Womb Of WA
15 new tracks uploaded today, as always I appreciate any comments you may have, reply here with opinions you had on the bands (good or bad).


Here are the featured bands (please excuse the copy/paste job):

ABRAMELIN "Misfortune" (Taken from the album "Abramelin")
~Aussie death metal that rules supreme! Not recommended for sissies or those who are lactose intolerant.

ZANDELLE "Warlords Of Steel" (Taken from the album "Twilight On Humanity")
~If this doesn’t get your scrawny fist in the air, we need to talk. Power/speed metal on LMP.

AUTUMN LEAVES "The Reign Supreme" (Taken from the album "As Night Conquers Day")
~Not liking this band is in serious violation of section 1.304.096 paragraph C. This album is very melodic, while the debut had more slabs of brutality.

VOMITORY (GER) "F.T.A" (Taken from the album "Hour Of Truth")
~Not the Swedish band!!!!! These German thrashers pre-date the Swedish Vomitory at least 5-6 years. I thought it was bad enough one band wanted the name “Vomitory”, but two!?!?!? I smell lawsuit.

DIVERCIA "Transylvanian Love" (Taken from the album "Modus Operandi")
~I’m not sure I could find the words to describe this band, but I get a colossal chubby when I think about how great this album is.

MANEGARM "Tradatanke" (Taken from the album "Havets Vargar")
~Blackened-death-folk metal, maybe? I don’t know what a Tradatanke is, but this song sure makes me wanna pummel the shit out of you!

VISITOR "Pit" (Taken from the album "Visitor")
~For the old schoolers, unknown band that self released a self titled album back in 1993.

ABUSE "You Will Submit" (Taken from the album "Like A Virgin")
~Warning: Explicit Canadians! One of the best self released death/grind albums I’ve come across in awhile.

VENERAL DISEASE "The Forgotten Affliction" (Taken from the album "Perpetual Pain Procedure")
~The next time someone asks you for recommendations of fast technical death metal you wont have to sit there with that stupid blank look on your face.

KATAFALK "Succubus" (Taken from the album "Storm Of The Horde")
~Suc-cu-bus: “A female demon supposed to descend upon and have sexual intercourse with a man while he sleeps.” The way things have been going the past few months I’ll take what I can get.

WITHOUT GRIEF "Blackborn Soul" (Taken from the album "Absorbing The Ashes")
~I once had a pet salamander. Oh the wonderful childhood memories.

NOMINON "Sodom's Fall" (Taken from the album "Diabolical Bloodshed")
~Swedish death metal band thats been around since 1993. I really wish someone would remaster this album cause its sounds like it was recorded in the drummers older step-sisters cousins downstairs bathroom.

THE DUSKFALL "The Light" (Taken from the album "Frailty")
~Melodic yet agressive, brutal yet catchy. Swedish metal that falls somewhere between The Haunted and In Flames.

DESPISED ICON "Compel To Copulate" (Taken from the album "Consumed By Your Poison")
~Those pesky Canadians just keep crankin’ out the goods. Death/grind/hardcore mix.

WOLF "In The Shadow Of Steel" (Taken from the album "Wolf")
~These guys grew up chewing on Maiden and Priest, and now they are going to regurgitate it. At least they sound good doing it.