16 vs 24 bit.


Jul 13, 2005
I just made the mistake of recording a band in 16 bit.

My Daw is set to 24 in default, but the guitarist made his own tempo map, and though i didn't use his daw file my bitrate jumped from 24 to 16.

I'm realy bummed out about this, it doesn't sound band, but its just not the bitrate i want! i was wondering how many difference do most of you think it makes?

It will make a difference but if you don't tell anyone, no one will notice. ;)

Just make sure to keep your levels high enough now as you don't have such a big bit depth and s/n ratio anymore ...
Can you hear a difference? If not then who cares? Best to not get too hung up on such things. I doubt any man alive could tell the difference on the avarage rock/metal mix anyway. Assuming of course that your DA/AD converters don't suck. And even if that were the case, higher bitrates don't improve matters much.
i did the same thing a few months back. Honestly didn't sound any worse than anything i've recorded in 24. In fact, i think if you're using nice gear and getting good levels, it will be hard to tell that its not 24.
I've heard some pretty impressive mixes in 16 bit if you have the production skills and the quality of what you record is on the higher end of clean. If it isn't the best trackwise,it will effect the overall quality in the mastering - but saving grace is you can redo it later with a reprint if digital.
I wouldn't sweat it to much if its just demo material.