1st post...mesa boogie Mk III and 5150 combo clip


Jun 3, 2006
Ahhh...This is pretty much it as far as my ability goes.

I have worked so hard trying to get a decent sound that I pretty much feel this clip sums up my whole guitar attitude as far as tone goes. Plus my music pref: Old school saturated standard tuning trash.

It has been a long slog. Transition from SS to tubes....Them breaking..all the time...Cheap ass'd home made cabs...Pulling out my hair because recording software is easy to get lost in etc etc...

Anyway...This clip is important to me because I seem to have reached a platueu in my playing/tone search and it ended with a mark III simulclass

to be fair, this clip is probably 60% 5150 combo...So if I find a cheap one I will buy another one (i sold it to fund my Mark III).

So. Here it goes:

http://www.web-design100.net/thefyn/sacred ground master.mp3

Hey Thefyn!

Well, this sounds wicked man! it really does, im a bit tired right now, and still get's me excited and worked up, must mean you are doing something right? :)

First of all, i like the crunch you have there.. and second, amazingly played! very tight, so kudos for that as well.. i think i might get back later and go a bit deeper into the tone.. i think it could use a bit more low-mid to it, but hey, it's all about taste, and that being said, i think this sounds very cool Fyn...

Nice one!
Yeah, your playing is insanely tight. I'd like to hear a clip of just the guitars, if that'd be possible.

I'd like to hear this with better kick/snare samples - have you tried Andy's? I think that would improve it as a whole a bunch, but the guitar tones really sound great over here, man!

What'd you use as far as speakers/mic's/interface?
Sounds great! Could use a bit of eq though. Try cutting a bit (2-3 dB) around 250-310 Hz and boosting 2-3 dB around 8kHz. Maybe a 1dB boost around 100Hz. Should bring clarity and brightness to the mix. This is all to personal taste of course.
Cheers guys. Are there any secrets to messing with the tracks with waves? I just bought it and there are so many options I dont know where to start when it comes to adding effects to guitars. I am using sonar 5 prod edition.

As for the drums...I have agonized over these things! They took longer to do than anything...I use dfh superior. I hate it! Are there any better drum samples out there?
Wow, almost a month later.
I just listened to the clip again, id be inclined to scoop the mids a LITTLE bit (round 800-1kHz), and add a small amount of highs to the tone (round 8kHz), but obviously to your own taste. Maybee even low pass at around 10-12kHz just to get rid of a bit of fuzz in the high end.