5150 Combo owners....


Hamster Style
Jun 19, 2005
Hey Kids. Yes, I've been away for a bit. Just spent a long time at the James Murphy Finishing School. =) Kidding aside, professional and house matters have kept me quite busy.

So I just bought a used 5150 combo (for a SICK deal.. lets say $300 USD) and this thing is fucking GREAT. I've read that the combo was biased correctly whereas the head was not? Whatever the case - i LOVE this thing.

For those who own this combo - did you ever change speakers from the stock sheffields? I really dig these sheffies, but wonder what would happen if i were to put in a greenbacks... Standard metal answer is a V30's, but i've actually grown quite fond of Rivera/Celestion T85's (which are now extinct) that are in my main Rivera 4x12 cab.

I guess the main thing is that the fx loop is fucking hissy... i have an old school digitech 2101 that i use for the wet/emo leads... when that thing is plugged in its fucking hissy.. i never heard this with my XXX. Mind you the XXX has an adjustable loop, and the 5150 does not.

In any event... i'm half tempted to ditch my XXX and go with this 5150 because it is, quite magical... what a SICK lead tone this thing has... my main jacko sl1 with neck pup chopper is like shred city with milky tit suckle on it becker serrana arps all day long!

So.. those who rip through 5150 combos.. if you have made changes from the stock form that have been positive, please let me gnow.

Congrats to the great deal!
I dont have much to say about the amp, but i've used alot of sheffields, and all I can say is that the sheffields are perfect for "the peavey-sound", they have alot of bottom and low-mids, abit cut in the high-mids and has a nice kind of fizz to the highs.
This means that basicly no matter how you put the EQ on the preamp, you will get a tight "chuggy" metal sound.
I had a 5150 combo for a few years and traded it plus like $100 for a head version...which I later sold for a JSX :)

I had switched the Sheffs out for V30's, but went back to Sheffs for a while before I traded the amp. I know a lot of people dog on the Sheffs but I liked them (in that particular combo amp) over the V30's. I never really used the FX Loop, I only ever ran a wah pedal and a TS in front of it for my personal or studio use.

Good buy dude...I just paid $600 for mine just a few weeks ago and thought THAT was a good deal. Anyway, I ran mine thru a custom 2x12 with v30s and it sounded completely different. It was boomier and had less sparkle. Not in a bad way, just different.

The included sheffs sound much better IMO, so there are no speaker mods being planned over here. Haven't tried the fx loop yet, but I will now.
The only prob with mine is a noisy lead pre pot.
Katau - I did a thorough cleaning of mine, and by removing the chicken head knobs and the little metal hex screw that holds em down I sprayed DeOxit into each pot and now it is perfect - originally my lead and rhythm post pots were quite crackly - after the dexoit, perfect.

Please do try the fx loop and tell me if you have the hiss. It is idle hiss, and not sure if this is a factor of the 5150 or something with this particular combo.

I think the sheffields are going to stay! They do sound really really good. KILLER AMP!!!
I recently scored a 5150 combo for dirt cheap (450 USD) and I'm in love as well. I also have an older Laney 4x12 with greenbacks and when running the 5150 through that cab the tone is superb. It of course sounds great with the v30 loaded marshall cab I have, and I too like the sound of the stock speakers. I guess you really can't go wrong with this amp!