1st Post! Please Listen to song!


New Metal Member
Feb 15, 2007
Hey guys! i've been scoping this forum for a few months now and i've picked up A LOT of great tips from you guys and i finally got round to recording something with a buddy of mine. I would greatly appreciate it if any of you could give our song a listen and give pointers about what i could improve on. Im only 15 and this is my first recording so dont be too hard on me, although lots of constructive criticism is welcome!

Here is the soundclick page. A minute or so of the song isnt there cause i think it's too long for soundclick...oh well :-


Cheers :kickass:
Overall sounds really, much better then what I could do at 15.

The guitars don't seem to have enough crunch and the bass kick doesn't hit hard enough/doesn't come through the mix enough.

What's your recording setup?
I would like some more highs/presence on rhytm guitars.
Kick is loud enough.
Snare is much too loud/clicky/aggresive/annoying (I hate it). :ill:

Musically 8/10 (means very good if coming from me). :rock: :)
Thanks for the feedback so far guys. I will take into consideration everything that you've said. Yeah i think i maybe went a bit far when filtering out the high end of the guitars, GT-8 adds some real nasty digital fizziness you see...

The gear i use is posted on the soundclick page, actually i forgot to put digi 002 rack and various (mainly free!) plug-ins...

P.s. Mutant, it's cool to see that you're in poland as myself and sean are heading over there in 3 days time for a tour with the orchestra that we're in. Cant wait! Hope it's sunny!

Anyway cheers again