2 amps not working but tubes are glowing..


Jul 13, 2005
I got a problem guys..

I was reamping some tracks, normal amp level, nothing that should kill the tubes or fuses imo.
When all of a sudden the amp just stopped, amps still glowing and power was still on aswell...
only it didn't give any noise anymore, and it won't anymore!
what the hell happened here?

The nasty part is that i just switched to a Framus cobra and... after a little reamping the same thing happened:cry:
Only the Framus stopped glowing tubes and stopped power aswell...

2 amps down!

I then switched to a different powersuply (thing i the wall i don't know how to call it in english..) with a jcm800 (hoping to not kill that sucker aswell..) but then it was fine.

Seriously.. what happened?


I had something similar a few years ago, turned out that it was caused by the socket ("powersupply"). It was during a rehearsal... I put my amp on it, turned it on and after a few seconds it was dead. Tried the amp of a friend to finish practicing and after a few seconds it died, too (he tried to kill me afterwards hehe...). Both powerpacks in the amp got braised. But since your tubes are glowing I don´t know if that´s the reason.
Framus amps are not glowing whatsoever.. only the brunetti 059 is still glowing but not doing anything next to that.

Was the socket a easy thing to repair?
Sounds like the same problem though...
I don´t know, we just didn´t use it anymore. Actually we even changed the location, but the bad circuits were not the only reason.
In my case only the fuse of my amp got damaged, which was about 1 € to fix. But my friend´s amp had a broken powerpack, our local guitarstore sent it back to Marshall and he simply got it repaired on guarantee.
Check the ohms settings. Sounds like it could be output transformers. Check the fuses just to be sure also.
Umm, you sure you had the right load across your amp's speaker output? I.E. 4 ohm output into a 4 ohm cabinet?

I've been doing this shit for years & I got burned on a few tracks by overlooking this key factor last week. Didn't cook the amp, thank god, had the 4 ohm output into the cab's 16 ohm input. Buzzed like crazy. But caught it fast enough before anything was damaged.
I made the ohmage mistake like you said with the brunetti and the framus had its fuses sparked out through the powersurge..
Changing fuses fixed it thank god! pjiew!
Thanks for the input guys! much apreciated!