2 Button LED footswitch help.


Humanoid typhoon
Sep 7, 2010
Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Okay, this stupid thing blows my mind. It's a standard 2 button footswitch with LED's that a buddy of mine had me fix. Here's the problem, I fiddled around with the dagnabit thing for two hours to find I had wired the thing completely perfectly in the first place, but the LED diodes were completing the circuit and thus not allowing the switches themselves to work when pressed. So I thought I had fucked something up.

When I press the switch, the LED light goes on and off like it should, but the channel doesn't switch on the amp.

When I took the LED out, the channels switch perfectly.

HTF is this supposed to work!? I would like the LED to light up WHEN THE AMP CHANGES CHANNELS.

If the LEDs are fucked, please let me know so I can relay the info to my friend. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
If they turn on/off but the channels don't change (and the other way happens), I think that both things are working. Perhaps when you're combining the two, you're getting something wrong - soldering issues perhaps?