2 Channel Dual Recto: Loop active Master


Renegade Folk Hero
Jun 11, 2009
N.S.W. Australia
With the loop assigned to the orange channel, does this act like a normal master volume? Or am I better pushing the individual channel volumes higher?

First post here woot!
Haha, well I'm glad we got that squared away :D But yeah, unfortunately it's not what I expected it to be, namely a second master volume that becomes enabled when you turn on the loop (in other words, I thought I could set it up to get a volume boost when I turn the loop on via footswitch, but unfortunately, when the rotary switch on the back is set to "external control" for the loop, the loop active master is always enabled, even if the loop is on bypass). One thing I have learned, however, is that especially on the red channel, I have to have the loop set to external switch mode so the loop active master is enabled, otherwise the thing is just too goddamn loud! (for most recording in the house and just rocking out I mean, not for live playing naturally)
I checked out your vids on youtube to increase GAS before getting it. You better believe I set up the orange channel for high gain lead.

It works perfectly for me this way, I can have a gate and a delay in the loop assigned to the lead channel (this gets some serious feedback happening) and have it function volume wise the way I'm used to (individual volumes, master volume).

I had the individual masters pretty low tonight and the loop active master dimed out, I can't imagine how loud it would get to dime both channel volumes too. Instant deafness.
Wow, that's an interesting setup (and thanks for the compliment on the vids, btw, glad you dug 'em! :)) - so if I understand correctly, you're saying you have the knob set to "Loop on Red" so it's always on for that channel only, and when you switch to it you have your delay and gate? And even with it assigned only to the red, the loop active master still controls the orange as well? I shouldn't be surprised, from speaking with a Mesa dude I gathered "loop active" means whenever the loop is on anything other than total bypass (via the knob on the back)

Also, when using the orange channel, do you just have it in Variable High Gain, or is it also cloned to modern? (in other words, both toggle switches on the back in the left position, rather than just the top) Cuz I much prefer that personally!
Wow, that's an interesting setup (and thanks for the compliment on the vids, btw, glad you dug 'em! :)) - so if I understand correctly, you're saying you have the knob set to "Loop on Red" so it's always on for that channel only, and when you switch to it you have your delay and gate? And even with it assigned only to the red, the loop active master still controls the orange as well? I shouldn't be surprised, from speaking with a Mesa dude I gathered "loop active" means whenever the loop is on anything other than total bypass (via the knob on the back)

Also, when using the orange channel, do you just have it in Variable High Gain, or is it also cloned to modern? (in other words, both toggle switches on the back in the left position, rather than just the top) Cuz I much prefer that personally!

I have loop on orange in variable high gain (I don't use a clean channel that much, plus my bare knuckles clean up surprisingly well, might get the clean channel footswitch mod done later down the track), even though there's nothing in it at the moment. I just wanted to see if it would work the way I thought it did. So yeah when I put my ISP in there and a delay they'll be on all the time and only coming through with the orange channel, and I'm assuming that the loop active master will still serve as an over all volume control for the whole amp as it did tonight, I can't see why the introduction of pedals would change that given that the loop is already set that way.

The orange in variable high gain kicks ass, my brother said to me at rehearsal "Dude your lead sound is huge" I don't think he meant it as a compliment, rather a complaint that it was killing his brain but it sounded badass all the same. After I demonstrated to him the sensitivity in volume he just dealt with the pain.
I spent most of last night reading over the manual (instead of studying for my systems development final :p) and was kinda confused but like most things, once I got my hands on it and started pushing buttons it all became pretty clear.

It sounded awesome by itself and with my buddy standing next to me rocking a new 6505+. So glad I'm in recto town, I don't even want to think about how badly the 6505 would have drowned my Powerball. :lol:
Oh, are you the other guitarist in Celephai dude? I really dug your solos on a couple of the songs Dylan posted! :headbang: And who is that freakin' scheming woodchuck thing in your avatar? :lol:
Sup Marcus.

Yes, Bekanor (Nic) is the other guitarist. He's gone to bed, and I'm up doing an assignment. :lol:

The Receto was so much better than the powerball at rehearsal tonight! :D

I don't know who the woodchuck is...
Hahaha, man, the time difference is nuts, I just rolled out of bed an hour ago! :D (it's now 11:30 AM here) And yeah, I'm not at all surprised it owned the Powerball, and I'm glad to hear it's working out for you guys! And you got your 6505+ I take it, how's that?
Oh, are you the other guitarist in Celephai dude? I really dug your solos on a couple of the songs Dylan posted! :headbang: And who is that freakin' scheming woodchuck thing in your avatar? :lol:

Thanks mang!

Dylan will attest to how self conscious I am about my recorded leads so that's awesome to hear. :lol:

And my avatar is a bear, a business bear to be exact.