2 Kits. Pick one. SD2.0/Metal Machine

Jul 29, 2011
Basically what the title says. Which one do you think "fits" in the mix better. Both kits have the same kicks. The kicks are the only thing that I really love. Being that no one ever finds their "Holy Grail" snare we can only use what we are content with at the moment so that's why I have done this. In search of a better snare.

Track is a little over a minute long. Details of what was used in the mix can be provided if needed.

#1 -This is my original kit. SD2.0 w/Slate Presets with Metal Foundry Kicks.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6619465/PH Original.mp3

#2 -This is the new "test" kit. Metal Machine w/Nolly "Big Small Kit" Presets with Metal Foundry Kicks.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6619465/PH MMtest2.mp3
In both situations the snare seems ''out'' of the mix, I don't know, it just doesn't fit. But I prefer the test kit.
In both situations the snare seems ''out'' of the mix, I don't know, it just doesn't fit. But I prefer the test kit.

Out as in a "volume" issue? By lowering the volume and making the snare sit further back in the mix might help it out? Thanks for checking it out.
81 views and 1 comment. Come on people. All it takes is a #1 or #2. Help me out, that's why this forum is here.
Better indeed, I still prefer no2 but the snare is still a little loud. And I don't like the cymbals panning.
Better indeed, I still prefer no2 but the snare is still a little loud. And I don't like the cymbals panning.

The panned cymbals are set to stock in SD. There's certain ones that I don't like and will be taking out that are far L and far R. Glad to hear the snare is sitting better. I'm liking the 2nd kit more and more. I think I will put for time into it know and start to tweak it now that I have something with better potential than my original. Thanks again for checking it out.