2 new songs from my band

oh my god, if this was mixxed better this would be fucking AWESOME! i think the thing that bugs me is the guitar tone, too boomy. doesnt sit nicely :/ also get some growls in there, get the scar symmetry vibe :p
Sounds different from the shitcore trend that has established around here, so it's welcome new sound.
Plus, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the mix, it just doesn't sound like everything else posted, and this is a good thing. 'Personality' is the word.

also get some growls in there, get the scar symmetry vibe :p

Please, DON'T! You should go on with YOUR vibe, not get the whateverotherbandisdoing vibe. This metalcorish thing of cleans/growls should be done, there's really nothing else to be said with it. These clean vocals sounds great, carry on with it and you'll be fine.
Thanks for the input guys!
Our singer is actually a pretty great growler. We use growls only in very specific moments, if a song requires so. Though they don't fit on every song we write.
I really dig the little ethereal synth parts, excellent song bro. The kick is barely audible, i think it could be a little more present in this mix, and maybe just a little more humanizing on the snare at certain parts? but I respect what you're doing, i like that it doesn't sound like every other band out there.