My New Band!

Put some more mids into those guitars. Turn the kick down. Fatten up the snare a bit (perhaps diff EQ or par. comp), and put some reverb on it. Bass sounds good, and I like the riffs and vocals. Generally the mix is too scooped, when you turn it up loud you just hear piercing cymbals and rumbling low-end (exaggeration but you get the point ;p).
Btw yeah the kick is replaced with a decapitated kick gog (was an AWFUL kick sound, was in a bad room at college with a D112 and our drummers kick drum doesn't have a sound hole so it sound woofy and eww.)

The snare is merged with a david garibaldi snare sample to add more crack to it, i'll do what i can to fatten it up :)
Much better. The cymbals are a bit piercing, watch the very highs. Kick is a bit too loud. Also try playing with the frequency balance, its still hard to listen to loud. Maybe some more lowmids (400-500Hzish)