2 prog metal giants on one cd

That's the dumbest argument ever.


It's like complaining that a Formula 1 driver drives too fast.

"oh man that guy sux all he does is go fast all the time he doesn't drive with any real skill if he wasn't so fast he would suk.."

Of course, I'm not saying that anyone should like Dream Theater...I just don't think the band's virtuosic ability makes the music any less valid or relevant. Why don't we have people complaining that Bach just masturbated all over the harpsichord? A lot of his works were similarly intricate and technical.
to me, they just have the cheesy power-metal sound to them some times....but a lot of their song-writing is brilliant, with good feeling, power, and yes....petrucci (spl?) needs some guitar lessons...... :confused:
John Petrucci is amazing. He plays with plenty of feeling when he needs to and plays really fast when the song calls for it. I don't consider it wanking as wanking to me is like Manowar solos or something...the ones that are fast and just sound stupid. To me, Petrucci's fast solo sound really cool and aren't just showing off. I'm pretty sure that showing off anymore is the least of DT's concern anymore as they proved to be the most talented band on the planet more than 10 years ago. I think their so called wanking sounds cool therefore I dont consider it wanking. Also, if you think he doesnt play with feeling listen to the solo in "lines of the sand." Plenty of feeling. The rest of the song isn't great though and don't judge them from it.
Granted I haven't heard lots and lots of Dream Theatre, but what I have heard hasn't been particularly impressive. I heard Petrucci was an incredibly fast shredder, so I wasn't surprised when I heard a very power metal-ish guitar solo. I agree they are kinda cheesy. I agree they do have skill. BUT, like many people, I don't think that he shows much emotion in his guitaring. That's the common belief, and to me, music needs to be emotional, because music is emotions put into a sound format. That's what I think anyway. Dispute that if you will.
First: I'm listening to a leaked copy of The Human Equation right now... Its great. I highly reccomend to prog fans.

Second, Bashing Dream Theater is pointless. You don't like them: fine. Good for you. There are a lot of people who do like them. To their credit: Dream Theater DO write songs and are very good at doing it. Four Words for you: A Change of Seasons

it might change your opinion, but then again, maybe it won't. I just can't help but wonder if you're like the fifty thousand other DT bashers out there who only listened to one or two songs of theirs and went: they have long solos and instrumental parts. They're wankers.


enough of that, to my original point:

Buy the Human Equation when it comes out. Its well worth it, excellent prog.

check out the samples at:
I used to be one of the biggest Dream Theater fans, but then I just got really really really sick of LaBrie's vocals. The band are technically brilliant and excellent songwriters, apart from the fact that Petrucci does tend to play too fast in his solos where one or two notes would fit much better.

LaBrie = Boring
Dream Theatre = Pretty good