2 rock-ish mixes for review/critique/tearing to shreds


Sep 6, 2007
Dartmouth, MA

The first 2 songs on the player are my new mixes ("D'Anthem" and "Test"). The Bottom 3 songs were some of my first "real" mixes about 8 months ago, so I'm hoping the newer ones sound better.

Both songs are me pretty much playing everything, save for "Test" which has another drummer. I share vocals with him on both songs.

I'm definitely open to any comments and criticisms you guys have. Although the songs aren't really metal, they're on the heavier end and I've been trying out different tips and techniques I've picked up here from everyone :)

I still feel like everything's not sitting right in the mixes, they just don't have that evenness that I want to hear, if that makes sense.

For the record - drums are almost entirely natural, mic'd using the "recorderman" method using 4 mics as my interface is a Firebox, although the first song had close mics on the toms for a little more clarity. Kick is a blend of my Ludwig kick and the Sneap kick sample.

Guitars are my Epi Les Paul -> TS7 -> Vox Valvetronix -> SM57 -> Firebox -> Reaper. Bass is a Fender P-Bass direct into Reaper, 1 track is heavily compressed/EQ'd and the other is run through Helian 1st Bass.

the heavy parts of test are fine, but the vocals in the "clean" sections are a bit amateur sounding - they kinda need some rethinking of the melody. also the kick is a smidge sloppy in those sections. But as far as i can tell, the sound is good. I think you guys need to put more energy into those vocals, it seems like you guys are kinda holding back.
Thanks for the input! Yeah vocals.... I can barely play guitar, nevermind sing :) This is all definitely a learning experience for me on the production side of things, and trying to keep the music/vocals to levels where I can play/sing within my abilities.

Again, thanks much.