2 Types Of Persons At Prog Power...

If you ask me,
Pain Of Salvation is the real "oddball" every time they're on the bill. They're not progressive in the cookie-cutter, blatant Dream Theater rip-off sense of the term. They define what progressive metal is all about: progress. They go beyond the boudaries of conventional music (not just metal) and create songs that ask a little more from their listeners. If Daniel Gildenlow wanted to be liked by everybody, he sure as hell wouldn't be writing this kind of music. They seem to be the kind of band that is looking to please themselves first, and if they happen to get fans along the way, then they're that much happier. Though I absolutely love them, I can understand why other people wouldn't. I don't mean to insult anybody's intelligence by saying this, but a lot of people do not like the challenge that this kind of music has to offer. They don't want to have to think about what's coming out of their speakers. To them, music is simply entertainment. That's fine for them. I have those moments myself. If I don't want to be intellectually challenged by music, I'll throw on some Manowar. If I'm feeling a little more scholarly, I'll throw on some Pain Of Salvation. Does that make either band better than the other? No. They each offer something different. That's what makes the world of music so great. I'll just end my rant by saying that Pain Of Salvation is one of the only two bands I've ever seen live (and I've seen a ton of them) who sounds exactly like they do on record. In case you were wondering, the other band is Firehouse. That should earn me some brownie points.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Mr. Met-Al, you've hit the nail on the fucking head. I liken Pain of Salvation to Opeth, Tori Amos and even frickin Radiohead because they're more concerned with creating images with sound than they are with simply rocking out. It's beyond many, but that's fine. The problem is that when discussing a band like Pain of Salvation, one often comes off as an elitist. Which I suppose I am, heh heh.
Met-Al said:
If you ask me,
Pain Of Salvation is the real "oddball" every time they're on the bill. They're not progressive in the cookie-cutter, blatant Dream Theater rip-off sense of the term. They define what progressive metal is all about: progress. They go beyond the boudaries of conventional music (not just metal) and create songs that ask a little more from their listeners. If Daniel Gildenlow wanted to be liked by everybody, he sure as hell wouldn't be writing this kind of music. They seem to be the kind of band that is looking to please themselves first, and if they happen to get fans along the way, then they're that much happier. Though I absolutely love them, I can understand why other people wouldn't. I don't mean to insult anybody's intelligence by saying this, but a lot of people do not like the challenge that this kind of music has to offer. They don't want to have to think about what's coming out of their speakers. To them, music is simply entertainment. That's fine for them. I have those moments myself. If I don't want to be intellectually challenged by music, I'll throw on some Manowar. If I'm feeling a little more scholarly, I'll throw on some Pain Of Salvation. Does that make either band better than the other? No. They each offer something different. That's what makes the world of music so great. I'll just end my rant by saying that Pain Of Salvation is one of the only two bands I've ever seen live (and I've seen a ton of them) who sounds exactly like they do on record. In case you were wondering, the other band is Firehouse. That should earn me some brownie points.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Amen, brother!

Incredible musicians...and BE is one of the best written and most challenging concept albums I've heard in years...I guess that puts me in the "love'em" camp.

am_ash2 said:
I guess that would put me in the "can't stand them" category. I just don't get that type of music-to each his own though. I tried- I really did....

I'm with you on that. I also put in many hours of quality listening time, but I still think they blow. They are talented musicians and all, but it's just not my kind of thing. They have like four of five tunes that I like and that's it.

i guess you can count me in the love em category. in fact, they were the only band i saw at progpower. i sold my friday ticket. showed up 15min before pos went onstage and left right after.

nothing against the other bands. i listened to samples of the rest, but just were not my cup of tea. i definitely fall on the prog side of the fence and pos are the best of that genre, imo.

though i just saw one band, i still feel i got my money's worth. though, would have liked to have heard at least one Be song live. but hey, who's compaining..

they were pretty much the only reason for me to be there band-wise, once Zak couldn't sing with "Weapons of Mass Destruction"

the people who don't go for them remind me of myself when I give my take on Symphony X. I've tried, but aside from a few songs, they do nothing for me.

I would disagree about live tho, PoS to me do not sound exactly like their albums, or atleast not all of their songs do. And 12:5 of course the songs were re-arranged. There are other bands who do sound exactly like their albums live. Under the Sun at NEARFEST 2001 would be 1 example oottomh.

Just because someone hates PoS does not mean he/she sits around all the time banging their head to some cheesy Manowar song ( i'm not even a Manowar fan)

I love a lot of progressive bands. Sym X is my favorite band, and I love weird progressive music like Arcturus and Hollenthon. And I love these bands for the same reasons you seem to love PoS.

However PoS causes me physical pain sitting through their set (both times). I don't even see how anything so boring can be called metal, and I am puzzled at what makes them considered so.
Anyway, I will agree to the intellectual merits of listening to more complicated, well composed music. However I do not think Daniel masturbating one guitar note for 30 seconds is complicated, nor do I find their music hard "get." I just find it boring.
ReaLM said:
Just because someone hates PoS does not mean he/she sits around all the time banging their head to some cheesy Manowar song ( i'm not even a Manowar fan)
And not everyone who loves them is some kind of elitist snob. Hell, I'm a Kiss fan. They're just not for everyone, period. All there is to it. :)
lady_space said:
And not everyone who loves them is some kind of elitist snob. Hell, I'm a Kiss fan. They're just not for everyone, period. All there is to it. :)

Good point Shaye. I actually get funny looks occasionally because I drink micro and hard to find import beers. People automatically get the wrong idea of why I drink that stuff. I sometimes think being an elitist as opposed to being an individual is a gray area in the eyes of some.

I like POWER, but then some prog, Threshold is awesome and I didn’t know about them before PP3. other prog bands I LOVE: Symphony X, Kamelot, Enertia. I also like: Dream Theatre.
I even digged the “zero” bands at PP3.
But PoS… Mmm… I Mean…. no comment
I am a metal-head. I love metal music. I don't subscribe to any particular sub-genre of metal. If a band sounds good I like them. Case closed. I am very particular about the bands I like, but not particular about a sub-genre they fall under.
