so, it is the last day of 2003, and it is time to make lists again 
any number of answers are accepted ( although we might try to keep it under 100 answers/category
here goes: the best of -03
Best cd´s:
The mars volta - DeLoused in the comatorium
Muse - Absolution
Katatonia - Viva emptiness
Opeth - Damnation
Antimatter - Lights out
Best live performance (of those you have seen ofcourse... live or on video)
Opeth - Dvd-rehersal gig in stockholm
Opeth - Live in London (Dvd)
Katatonia - Stockholm
Freak kitchen - Stockholm
Best discovery (doesn´t nesecary have to be a -03 release..)
Kayo Dot
The mars volta
and finaly
Best of -03... anything at all
My daughter Sol, born this summer.
now, show us them lists! (feel free to add your own categorys if you think i have missed something
Happy new year, and may -04 bring us just as many good albums/bands as -03

any number of answers are accepted ( although we might try to keep it under 100 answers/category

here goes: the best of -03
Best cd´s:
The mars volta - DeLoused in the comatorium
Muse - Absolution
Katatonia - Viva emptiness
Opeth - Damnation
Antimatter - Lights out
Best live performance (of those you have seen ofcourse... live or on video)
Opeth - Dvd-rehersal gig in stockholm
Opeth - Live in London (Dvd)
Katatonia - Stockholm
Freak kitchen - Stockholm
Best discovery (doesn´t nesecary have to be a -03 release..)
Kayo Dot
The mars volta
and finaly
Best of -03... anything at all

My daughter Sol, born this summer.
now, show us them lists! (feel free to add your own categorys if you think i have missed something

Happy new year, and may -04 bring us just as many good albums/bands as -03