2008 albums that kick ass!

Almost half way through 2008 so what releases have blown you away already and what is most likely to make your top releases by years end?
I can say so far i've been impressed by:
DISMEMBER - Dismember
WARREL DANE - Praises To The War Machine
TESTAMENT - The Formation Of Damnation
BRAINSTORM - Downburst
ENDSTILLE - Endstilles Reich+
ALESTORM - Captain Morgens Revenge

Also anticipating newbies from BLIND GUARDIAN, NEVERMORE,ANNO DOMINI,LYCANTHIA (hopefully!?)and AMON AMARTH later in the year.:rock:
Biomechanical "Cannibalized" and Rage "Carved In Stone" are the only ones which really stands out for me so far. Opeth, Brainstorm, Bodom etc had alright ones but nothing really amazing.

Adagio's "Archangels In Black" still remains my most anticipated album for the year (as it has been for the last 2 years or so now :(). Iced Earth, Freak Kitchen, Motley Crue, Metal Church, Dragonforce and Kamelot all have albums out this year which I'm looking forward to hearing... hopefully something else actually stands out because it feels like a pretty flat year otherwise.
I agree that it's been pretty underwhelming. Opeth wasn't bad as you'd expect but even that wasn't their best. Dane's album was OK. There's about half an album of really good songs there. Priest was mostly boring and I have to admit I haven't heard the Testament one.
Blaze and Pyramaze both have some solid new material to add onto my list. Motley Crue's is good stuff now that I've finally got my hands on it but it's still nothing I'm going to remember 2008 by.