2013 Demos


Mar 30, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
So yeah, I find myself listening to these demos more than full length releases these days. Here is my my daily playlist

Eternal Champion - "The Last King of Pictdom"
Fans of Manilla Road and fantasy will surely love this. High speed, high cheese, intense fun.


Slough Feg - "Laser Enforcer"
Do I really need to explain Slough Feg to anyone? As an online friend said about this track "It's a Hardwolder jam in the Animal Spirits style"


Night Demon - Night Demon
Heavy/Doom metal that played Keep it True festival even before they officially released their album. Great stuff.


Crypt Sermon - Demo MMXIII
Traditional Doom on Dark Descent records? Crypt Sermon have this weird Sabbath-like gloom in the vocals, but they are just as dark and disturbing as most bands on Dark Descent's death metal dominated lineup. Pagan Altar fans should enjoy greatly.


Ancient Dreams - MXXIII
Candlemass much? My friends from the Chicago suburbs play Heavy/Doom with huge Candlemass influence. They also jam a great Angel Witch cover live.

I love this from the Crypt Sermon bandcamp:

Founded on the principles of unwavering epic doom metal, CRYPT SERMON exists as vehicle to drive out the current trends: fashions and beards.


That Eternal Champion is really good stuff though
It's finally happened. I've pretty much stopped caring about contemporary output beyond my favorite bands since this most recent surge in listening to classical music. Kinda sad really. 2012 had quite a few great demos but I don't know that I've kept track of any this year. And as far as full lengths go, Grave Miasma is pretty much the last thing I'm looking forward to that hasn't come out yet.
That's understandable really, I hardly purchase new music anymore due to lack of funds. However, I still get really excited when I hear that Slough Feg is putting out a new album or something. And I just like hearing demos for some reason as well, so long as they are good.
That Eternal Champion was really good and the new Slough Feg track, but that is obvious and expected. Will check out the Cryptic Sermon after I'm done listening to that Slough Feg track a billion more times.

I don't recall knowing many demos, but this blackened punk band Sump's demo (well it's a cassette) VII: Ways to Pass into Death was really good. They don't have a bandcamp but I found their demo/cassette for download and really dug it.

Also, now typing this I just remembered listening to Vestiges' split with Panopticon and HOLY SHIT.
