22/03/2007 - New sell list!


Mar 21, 2007
1917 / SLOW DEATH / SLOW AGONY - Sudamerica Brutal, Argentina / Venezuela / Paraguay, death metal, hurling
7th NEMESIS / PUNISHMENT - Chronicles Of A Sickness, UK / France, brutal death metal / death core, skull fucked, splitCD
AARDVARKS – Conglomerate, Germany, aggressive thrash metal, yahuar malleou
ABRASIVE – Desire, Germany, brutal death/grind, semen demon
ABSORBED - Visions In Bloodred, Netherlands, death metal, resustitate
ACID DRINKERS - Amazing Atomic Activity, Poland, thrash metal, metal mind
ACID DRINKERS - Varran Strikes Back - Alive!!!, Poland, thrash metal, metal mind
ADVERSARY – Forsaken, USA, death metal, cursed
ADVERSARY - The Winter's Harvest, USA, death metal, cursed
AGARTHI - At the Burning Horizon, Italy, black metal, red stream, MCD
AGATHOCLES - Mince Core History 1989-1993, Belgium, mince core legend, selfmadegod
AGATHOCLES - Live in Leipzig, Germany 1991, Belgium, mince / grindcrust, half life
AGONY CONSCIENCE - Look Into the Silence, Czech Republic, brutal death metal, sheer
AION – Reconciliation, Poland, melodic doom prog metal, metal mind, digiCD
ALGOL / SHROUD OF DESPONDENCY - Whispers From An Empty Room, USA, atmospheric black metal, paragon, splitCD
ANTROPOMORFIA – Engendro, Spain, brutal old school death metal, necromance
ARE YOU GOD? - Espelho De Carne, Brazil, great grind, 2+2=5, MCD
ARV - I.D., Norway, black metal, metal age
AS GRAVITY FADES - What Lies Beneath, Switzerland, metalic hardcore, fastbeast ent
ASCENDANCY - Rise Of Dead Empire, USA, technical brutal death metal, sf, MCD
ATAVISM / DRAIN OF IMPURITY / MINCER - Brutalmageddon, Greece / Turkey / Italy, goregrind, coagulated, 3 way splitCD
AXON - Leper Viper, Mexico, raw death metal, deus mortus
BAAL - State Of Aggression, Mexico, fast melodic black / deathmetal, american line
BANE OF EXISTENCE - Humanity's splintered salvation, USA, brutal death metal, fleshfeast
BATHTUBSHITTER - Early Yeah(s), Japan, grindcore, shit jam
BATTALION - Into Harms Way, Australia, war black metal, asphyxiate
BEEF CONSPIRACY - Hung Drawn And Quarter Poundered, UK, brutal death /grind, grindethic
BEEF CONSPIRACY / ROTTEN COLD / DIN-ADDICT / MDK / ENTRALIS - Seven gates of hell, UK / Austria / Hungary / Brazil, 7x grindcore, chop2death, 7 way splitCD
BESTIAR - Lethal Venom, Poland, brutal death metal (pro-printed full colour inlay and discprint), old temple, CDr
BEYOND SERENITY - Total Control, Germany, brutal death, dark one
BIFROST – Mythistory, Netherlands, pagan metal, hammerheart
BIRDBRAINS - Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwich, Singapore, raw chaotic old school grincore, phlegm
BK 49 - Join The Dead, Germany, aggressive thrash metal, grind it
BLACK MASS - Voices Of Fate, USA, death / black, primitive
BLACKDEATH - Satan Macht Frei, Russia, raw orthodox black metal, drakkar
BLOOD STAINED HOST - Individual Theatre, Italy, gothic / doom, the twelfth planet
BLOODTHIRST / EBOLA - Hell Bestial Desecration, Poland blackthrash / blackdeath metal (pro-printed inlay and discprint), obscure, splitCDr
BLOODTHRONE - Shield Of Hate, USA, black metal, forever underground
BORN HEADLESS - Headless Henchmen, Australia, ultra brutal tasmanian death / grind, life fluid
BORN OF THORNS - New Horizon, Finland, black metal, oak knoll, MCD
BRAVE - Searching for the Sun, USA, progressive doom metal, dark symphonies
BUNDER NEKROMUNDA / RZEŹNIA - Da Split, Poland, goregrind / grindcore, surgical diathesis
BYATIS - In The Abysses Of Memory, France, brutal death metal, sf
C.H.C. / AGATHOCLES - Stop The Abuse / How Much Blood Do You Need Yet?, Brazil / Belgium, grind mince, mutilation, splitCD
C.H.C. / EMBOLISM - Another war, another lie / Live in chez republic, Brazil / Czech Republic, grindcrust / brutal deathgrind, destroyer, splitCD
CARDIAC NECROPSY / INSISION / KOMA / LACERATE / VRYKOLAKAS - Supreme Brutal Legions, Singapore / Sweden / Indonesia / Thailand, 5 different visions of brutal death metal, vrykoblast, 5way splitCD
CARNAL LUST - Whore of Violence, France, brutal death metal, diamond
CARPE TENEBRUM - Dreaded Chaotic Reign, Norway, black metal incl. Astennu, hammerheart
CARPE TENEBRUM - Mirrored Hate Painting, Norway, majestic black metal, hammerheart
CARVED IN FLESH - Us Seen Through Tears, USA, ohio death metal, sf
CERNUNNOS - The Beast, USA, black metal, sf
CHRIST AGONY- Elysium, Poland, dark black metal, metal mind
CIDISPHERE - Interment..., Turkey, technical death metal, hammer muzik
CIRCLE OF DEAD CHILDREN- Zero Comfort Margin, USA, brutal death / grind, earache, MCD (promo)
CONVENT- The Truth Revealed, Poland, brutal death metal, awaken
CORPSEVOMIT- Raping The Ears of Those Above, USA, old school death metal, blackened moon
COUNT DE NOCTE - Carpe Noctum, Finland, melodic black metal, mad lion
CREMATORY- Awake, Germany, gothic metal, nuclear blast, digiCD (sh)
CRIPPLE BASTARDS, tribute to – intl. Groinchurn, Birdflesh, Denak, Final Exit, Rot , T.F.D., obscene
CROTCHDUSTER- Big Fat Box Of Shit, USA, avant-garde / death / power metal parody, earache (promo)
CRYPTIC REVELATION- The Truth Is Out There, Japan, death metal, deathortion, MCD
CYPRESS HILL- Lick A Shot, USA, hip hop, Columbia, single
DARK DISCIPLE - Unholy Hate Gore, USA, death metal, morbid
DARK FAITH - The Sentence of Satan, Spain, black metal, war is imminent, digiCD
DARK LEGION – Bloodshed, Poland, brutal death metal, deadsun
DARKANE - Rusted Angel, Sweden, extreme thrash metal, regain
DARKENED SKIES - Dawn of Dreams, Puerto Rico, dark melodic death metal, khaosmaster, digiMCD
DARTH - Buttfucked By Destiny, Germany, deathcore, crude
DATACLAST / EARWIGS, THE – Dataclast / Earwings, USA, grind fusion / electronic abstraction, crucial blast, splitCD
DEADHEAD - Come To Salem, Netherlands, death / thrash, hammerheart (promo)
DEADSPEAK - The Adversary, USA, death metal, sf, MCD
DEAMON - Synopsis of Sin, Canada, death metal, ghetto blaster
DECAY - Mutilating...Gutting, Finland, guttural gore / grind, obliteration
DECEPTION - Permanent Torment, Poland, brutal death metal, nice to eat you
DECEPTION / PUTRIDITY - Holy Deception / Putrid Deception, Poland, brutal death metal / brutal deathgrind (pro printed cover-limit 300), old temple, splitCDr
DECIEVERION – Decieverion, USA, black / death metal, non compos mentis
DECOMPOSING SERENITY / SUGAR PLUM FAIRY - Poultry Organ Toys, USA, grind, metal gate
DEFLORATION / STRANGLED - Misanthropic Instinct / Weak Effigy, Germany, brutal death / death metal, limited to 500, suffer, splitCD
DEFORMITY - Murder Within Sin, Belgium, brutal death metal, blasphemour
DESECRATION – Inhuman, UK, brutal death metal, copro
DEVILS WHOREWHOUSE - The Howling, Sweden, Misfits tribute band, regain
DEVILYN – XI, Poland, death metal, conquer
DIFENACUM – Autoconflicto, Spain, explosive intense grindcore, hecatombe
DIFER NOM BASTA – Bolagen, Mexico, brutal death metal, american line
DISFIGURED CORPSE - Mega Ultra Intergalactic Core 2000, Czech Republic, space grindcore, epidemie
DISHED - Reason of Suffering, Poland, brutal death metal (pro-printed full colour inlay and discprint), CDr
DISSENTER - Bloodlust & Blasphemy, Poland, brutal death metal, sf
DISSENTER – Contamination, Poland, brutal death metal, empire
DISSENTER - Apocalypse And Damned, Poland, brutal death metal, empire
DRAGONGRASS - Beyond The Valley Of Hinnom, Canada, heavy metal, sf
DROGHEDA / BRUTAL INSANITY - Re-Celebrating Five Years Of Violence / Theman..., USA / UK, sick grind / brutal deathgrind, extremist, splitCD
DROGHEDA / MORTICITE – Split, USA, grind, extremist, splitCD
ECLYPSE - Applasue: Ihvh Elohim Met, Poland, black / death metal, redrum
ECTOPIA - Sickly Private, Belgium, goregrind, sf, MCD
EERIE - Hollow Stare, Bulgaria, doom / death metal, brutallica
ELEMENTS - Another Point, Canada, technical death / thrash, hyper active, MCD
ELYSIUM – Deadline, Poland, melodic death metal, metal mind
EMBOLISM - And We All Hate Ourselves, Slovakia, death / grind, erebos
ENCABULOUS - Abandoning The Flesh, Australia, pure death metal, venomous, MCD
ENFORSAKEN - Embraced By Misery, USA, death metal in melodic swedish way, lifeless
ENGORGE - Death...Fuck...Blackness, USA, black metal project of Mortician members, dark horizon
ENGORGED / GRUESOME STUFF RELISH – Split, USA / Spain, goregrind, last house, splitMCD
ERYTROSY – Delight, Slovakia, brutal death metal, metal age
ESQARIAL – Amorphous, Poland, technical death metal, pagan
EXVENTER - Procederum Finit, Russia, brutal death metal, coyote
EYE SEA – Bloodgeon, Germany, brutal death metal, shredded, MCD
FAITH NO MORE - A Small Victory, USA, remixes by youth slash, single
FATAL PORTRAIT - An Elusive Instinct of Lascivia, Spain, black metal, downfall
FLESH FEAST - Flesh Feast, Canada, brutal death metal, cdn
FLESHART – Art Brut, Greece, brutal death metal, grindethic, MCD
FLESHART / HARMONY DIES – Derangement, Greece / Germany, brutal death metal, obliteration, splitCD
FLESHGRIND - Live In Germany, USA, brutal death metal, united guttural
FLESHLESS - Sensual Death Immitation, Czech Republic, brutal death / grind, obscene
FLESHLESS - Nice To Eat You, Czech Republic, brutal death / grind, obscene
FORENSICK - Splattered Innards, Spain, brutal death / grind, genital heroes
FOREST OF IMPALED – Demonvoid, USA, black / death metal, red stream
FOUR SEATS FOR INVALIDES – Defy, Czech Republic, death / grind, napalmed
FUNERAL RITES – Necroeater, Japan, black metal, painkiller
FUNERATUS / DESCEREBRATION - Upcoming Apparition / Diabolical Grinder, Brazil, death metal, millennium, splitCD
GARBAGE DISPOSAL - Union Carbide, Czech Republic, death / grind (first edition), reactor
GENITAL GRINDER - Genital Grinder, France, brutal death metal, adipocere
GERBE OF LIFE / REPUDIATE – Split, France, brutal death / grind, skull fucked, splitCD
GOREFUCK - Lust For Torture, Italy, brutal death / grind, coagulated
GOREOPSY - Intentional Disfiguration, Slovakia, brutal guttural death / grind, life fluid, MCD
GROMM - Happiness – it’s when you are dead…, Ukraine, black metal, ravenheart
HANDFUL OF HATE - Blood Calls Blood, Italy, black metal, downfall, MCD
HATE - Awakening of the Liar, Poland, death metal, empire
HEADMEAT - Destructive Entitlement, Belgium, brutal death / grind, baphomet, digiMCD
HELLCHILD – Bareskin, Japan, deathly japcore, howling bull
HELLCHILD - Circulating Contradiction, Japan, deathcore, howling bull
HELLVETO - Medieval Scream, Poland, true pagan black metal, ritual execution
HEMNUR - Satanic Hellride, Norway, raw black metal, infernus rex
HEWHOCORRUPTS - The Discographer, USA, crust / grind, czerwony diabełek
HIMINBJORG – Third, France, black metal, red stream
HOLDER - Merciful Scourge, Brazil, old school death metal, mutilation
HOLOCAUST - Demoniac Bible, Spain, brutal death metal, hecatombe, MCD
HORNCROWNED - The Rise of Satan's Artillery, Colombia, black metal, demonic attack, digiCD
HORRID - Evil Birth 1989-2002, Italy, old school death metal, more hate
HORRID - Reborn In Sin, Italy, death metal, deadsun
HYBRID EXONERATION / EFFECT MURDER - Cortex / Pathology of Society, Poland, brutal death grind, redrum666, splitCD
HYBRID VISCERY - Army of pussy land / Bloody face, Belgium, brutal death / grind, coyote
HYBRID VISCERY - Grindcore Contamination, Belgium, brutal death / grind, coyote
ILL FARES THE LAND – Nonentity, Belgium, brutal death / grind, uxicon
IMPEDIGON - ...As Desires Fade, Belgium, melodic death metal, lsp
INCARRION - Into The Exposed Abyss, USA, brutal death metal, united guttural, MCD
INSANE ASSHOLES - Stralci di oblio, Italy, grind crust, sf
INTENSE HAMMER RAGE - Gory B, Australia, gore / grind, demo and unreleased stuff, fleshfeast
INVERTED - There Can Be Only One..., Sweden, death metal, shiver
JIM MARTIN - Milk and Blood, USA, ex Faith No More guitar player solo metal album, spv
KABAK - Cronicas Del Quirofano, Salvador, gore / grind, american line
KABBAL - Synthetically Revived, France, pure death metal, diamond
KITTIE – Spit, USA, all female nu metal, epic
KOREOPSIS - Guttural Woods, Switzerland, brutal death / grind, asterion, MCD
KRABATHOR - Dissuade The Truth, Czech Republic / USA, death metal, system shock (sh)
LACRIMAE - Course To Arsoning, Mexico, melodic black metal with keyboards, american line
LANIENA MENTIS - Turn Into A Man, Czech Republic, brutal death metal, nice to eat you
LAST DAYS OF HUMANITY - In Advanced Haemorrhaging Conditions, The Netherlands, goregrind, bones brigade, MCD
LE CRI DU MORT - In Part Divine, Germany, doom rock, sf, MCD
LEEWAY - Open Mouth Kiss, USA, hard core, firece
LEGACY OF HATE - The Killing, Austria, old school slow death metal, sf
LEGION - Conqueror, USA, death metal, dark horizon
LEMMING PROJECT - Hate And Despise, Germany, old school death metal, century media (promo)
LOATHING / DEEPRED – This Is a Face of Humanity, france / Finland, brutal death metal, several bleed, splitCD
LOWBROW - Sex.Violence.Death, USA, old school death metal, crook'd
LUNATIC GODS - Sitting by the Fire, Slovakia, death metal, hrom
LUNATIC GODS - Inhuman and Insensible, Slovakia, experimental death / black metal, hrom
LUNATIC GODS - The Wilderness, Slovakia, experimental death / black / doom, shindy
M 87 - Noctilucent Threnody, UK, music which expressed the strangeness and extremity of elusive celestial objects, supernal
MALEDICTIVE PIGS – Bloodshed, Germany, brutal death metal, cudgel
MALEVOLENT - Diabolical Machinations, USA, brutal death metal, sf, CD-R (demo)
MALIGNANT ETERNAL – Alarm, Norway, melodic black metal, napalm
MANGLER - Are You Ready For Something Like This, Russia, brutal death / grind, dreaming about cannibalism, MCD
MANHOLE - All Is Not Well, USA, modern hardcore, koch
MARTYR - Murder x / End Of Game, Czech Republic, death metal, system shock
MASTECTOMIA / MIXOMATOSIS - Thirteen Days Project / Sang Corrupte, Poland / Spain, brutal deathgrind / goregrind, downfall, splitCD
MASTIC SCUM – Zero, Austra, death / grind, noise v
MAZE OF TORMENT - The Force, Sweden, death metal, corrosion, MCD
MENTAL ABBERATION - Victim Of It's Own Sort, Germany, brutal death metal, sf
MESRINE / TRAUMATISM / NYCTOPHOBIC – 3 way CD, Canada / Canada / Germany, goregrind, e.n.d., splitCD
MINDFLAIR / RUNNING GUTS - Mindflair / Running Guts, Germany / France, grind / noise, bones brigade, MCDsplit (slipcase)
MISANTHROPIC – Soulreaver, Germany, death metal, xtreem
MISERICORDIA - Erase The Skies, Sweden, black metal, downfall, MCD
MITHRAS - Forever Advacing... Legions, UK, brutal technical death metal, golden lake
MIXOMATOSIS – Beinvenidas al mundo dol terror, death / grind, coyote
MORBID SAVOURING – Insensitivicious, Finland, old school grincore, murder the world
MORNING AGAIN / 25 TA LIFE - Morning Again / 25 TA Life, USA, hardcore, goodlife, splitMCD
MORTALITY – Structure, Australia, modern death / thrashcore, warhead
MY MINDS MINE - 48 reasons to Leave this Planet, The Netherlands, grindcore, selfmadegod
NEFORMAT - Breathe With Hatred, Russia, death / grind, blacksmith
NEPHASTH - Conceived By Inhuman Blood, Brazil, death metal, empire
NEVER – Monument, Poland, technical death metal, sf
NEXUSSEIS - Four Seconds To Die, Spain, cold dark ambient, iberian moon
NIGHT IN GALES – Sylphike, Germany, melodic death metal, sf, MCD
NIHILISTIKRYPT - Required Sacrifices, Estonia, death metal, sf, CDR
NOMEN MORTIS – Misanthrone, Slovakia, death metal, downfall, MCD
NUCLEAR DEATH - For Our Dead / All Creatures Great And Eaten, USA, death / grind, extremist
OBLITERATE - Tangled Ways, Slovakia, grindcore / death metal, extremist
OBLITERATE - The Feelings, Slovakia, death / grind, erebos
OBLITERATE / DIN-ADDICT - Against Your Will / Planet U.S.A., Slovakia / Hungary, grindcore, skud, splitCD
OMNIUM GATHERUM - Rectifying Human Rejection, Australia, brutal death / grind, life fluid
OUIJA - Riding Into The Funeral Path, Spain, black metal, repulse
PATHOLOGY STENCH - Acction Mutante, Slovakia, brutal death metal, shindy
PATHOLOGY STENCH – Gluttony, Slovakia, brutal death metal, immortal souls
PENTACROSTIC - De Profundis, Brazil, death metal, hellion
PENTAGORIA - ...And The Sky Bled Gore, USA, brutal death metal, sf
PERISHED – Grim, Norway, black metal, apocalypse empire, MCD
PHANTASMA – Gospel, Slovakia, black / death metal, downfall
PLAN E - Songs For A Rainy Day, Finland, atmospheric synth dark wave, solardisk
PLASMA / RADICALIS AMPUTATIO / SPERMSWAMP - 3-Ways Take Your Skin To Do A Lantern, Germany / Hungary / Canada, porno gore grind, rottenpyosis, 3 way splitCD
PORPHYRIA / SOULLESS - Mayhemic Blast / The 1st Act of Desecration, Poland, brutal technical death metal, redrum666, splitCD
POSTHUMOUS - My Eyes They Bleed, Brazil, melodic black metal, evil horde
PSYCHRIST - The Abysmal Fiend, Australia, death metal, warhead (promo)
PSYPHERIA - Embrace The Mutation, USA, technical brutal death metal, heretic sound
PUTREFACTION – War Blood And Rottenness, Brazil, death metal, sf
PUTREFACTOR - Symptoms of Societal Rot, USA, death metal, sf
PUTREFIED – Bodybits, The Netherlands, brutal death metal, sevared, MCD
PUTRIDITY / INFATUATION OF DEATH - Ten Acts of Death Metal Terror, Poland, brutal deathgrind / brutal death metal, redrum, splitCD
QUERION - Impious Domination, Brazil, death metal, mutilation
REBAELLIUN - Bringer the War, Brazil, brutal death metal, hammerheart, MCD
REBAELLIUN - At War, Brazil, brutal death metal, hammerheart, MCD
REGORGE - Kingdoms Of Derision, UK, brutal death metal, dead again
REPUGNANCE - Maximum Perversum, Spain, death / grind, uxicon
RETCH - Reinsertion of Aborted Remnants, USA, goregrind, unmatched brutality, MCD
ROOTS OF ROT - Hated Flesh, Mexico, brutal death / grind, american line
ROTTEN MIND – Necrogallery, Spain, ultra brutal death / grind hecatombe
RYKERS - Ground Zero, Germany, hardcore, warner
RYKERS - Life's a Gamble..., Germany, hardcore, century media
SACRIVERSUM – Soteria, Poland, melodic doom metal, serenades
SACRUM – Darkstricken, Poland, melodic doom metal, empire
SALTUS - Słowiańska Duma, Poland, pagan black, sf
SCEPTIC - Unbeliever's Script, Poland, death metal, empire
SCURVY - Tombstone Tales / Second Ejaculation, Sweden, sick death / grind, mad lion
SECURITY THREAT - The Truth Is Out, USA, grindcore, selfmadegod
SELFHATE - At the Begining..., Poland, political grindcore / powerviolence, selfmadegod
SERENADE - The Serpent Dance, UK, progressive mid tempo death metal, golden lake
SERMON - From Death To Death, Russia, death / black metal, wild rags
SEVENTH GATE, THE - None So Bloody As The Kingdom Of Christ, USA, death / grind, satan rock
SIGNS OF DYING - Desire of Suffreing, USA, brutal death metal, deathgasm
SIX REASON TO KILL / ABSIDIA - Morphology of Fear, Germany, metalcore, per koro, split CD
SKULLVIEW - Kings of the Universe, USA, heavy metal, massacre
SOLDABLURKTHAL – Insectophily, France, brutal death / grind, bleurk
SOLGRAV - Auringon Hauta, Finland, pagan metal, nocturnal woodlands
SOULEDGE - Exterminate the World, Colombia, massive thrash / death metal, the blast
SOULLESS / PANDEMIC GENOCIDE / ARMINIUS – Split, Poland / Poland, The Netherlands, pure death metal, old temple, CDr
SOULSTORM - Darkness Visible, Canada, death metal, epidemic
SPACESHITERS - Grinding Dancers From Outa Space, Germany, gore / grind, noisi
SUHRIM - Unidentified Flying Bodyparts, Belgium, brutal death metal, hybreed
SUNRISE - Generation of Sleepwalkers, Poland, deathcore, sanctuary
SUPPOSITORY / GROT - Regain In Disbelief, The Netherlands / UK, grindcore / goregrind, grindethic, splitCD
SURGICAL DISSECTION - Absurd Humanism Suffosoaked, Slovakia, brutal death / grind, nice to eat you
THE BEAST - Fixed By the Devil, Belgium, black metal, painkiller, MCD (sh)
THE DEADBEATS - In Full Blown Stereo, Sweden, death & roll, fueled up
THE FORENSIC - Legions of Death, Mexico, death metal, american line
THE FORGOTTEN - L'aldila, USA, misanthropic black metal, paragon inc
THE KOVENANT – Animatronic, Noreay, electro black metal, nuclear blast
THE TWO MINUTES HATE – Villains, Canada, metalcore, sf
THIRD DEGREE - Six Year Of 666 (discography), Poland, death / grind, czerwony diabełek
THORWALD / PULMONARY FIBROSIS - Medical Dissector, Slovakia / France, gore / grind, bizarre leprous, split CD
THY DISEASE - Rat Age (Sworn Kinds Final Verses), Poland, black / death metal, empire
TORN TO PIECES - Mastering The Arts Of Death, Germany, death metal, cxxt bxxcher
TRAUMA – Daimonion, Poland, death metal, pagan
TROLL - The Last Predators, Norway, black metal, head not found
ULCERATE FESTER – Sonatorrek, The Netherlands, melancholic doom / death metal, cyber
UMBAKARAIL - In Unity "Paienne", France, black metal, deadsun
UNDINISM - Born With An Erection, Australia, grindcore, prolapse
UNNATURAL – Life, Spain, brutal death metal, burning dogma
V / A BLACKEND vol. II, intl., incl. Dark funeral, Arcturus, In the woods, Dissection, Emperor, Satyricon, Destroyer 666, black metal, blackend, 2 CD
V / A Choosing Death, intl., incl. Napalm Death, Repulsion, Nihilist, Carcass, Brutal Truth, death / grind, relapse
V / A Pain Unlimited Sampler vol 1, intl., incl. Chemical breath, Media in morte, Decision d, Krhoma death, Gorement, death / thrash, crypta
V / A Repulsive Assault, intl., incl. Deranged, Immolation, Demilich, Adramelech, Vomitory, Avulsed, brutal death / grind, repulse
VARATHRON - Lament of Gods, black metal, pagan, MCD
VASTION - Closed Eyes To Nothing, USA, brutal old school death metal, retribute
VELOCIDAD ABSURDA - Fisico Tortura Emocional, Spain, brutal death / grind, sf, MCD
VELOCIDAD ABSURDA / KEVLAR SKIN - Estigmas Involutons / Zero Conciousness, Spain, ultra brutal death / grind, hecatombe, split CD
VELVET THORNS - Where Demons Rise, Poland, symphonic black metal, croon
VERMIN - Millenium Ride, Sweden, death'n'roll, no fashion
VIRUS / KEVLAR SKIN - Specialized Human Robot / The Human Room, Australia / Spain, brutal death / grind, life fluid, splitCD
VISION OF THE NIGHT - En Visioning the New Age, Canada, brutal death metal, bloodbucket
VOICE OF HATE - Gods of Hell and Earth, Spain, furious grind, voliac
WARSORE - Sweet Revenge, Australia, grindcore, vomit noise
WARSPITE - Gallery of the Macabre - Studies of death and Darkness, Germany, death / grind, crimes against humanity
WICKED INNOCENCE – Worship, USA, atmospheric death metal, life of agony, headfucker
WITCHBLADE – I, Chile, progressive power metal, picoroco
WITCHES' SABBATH - New World Plague, Spain, black /death metal, touch necromance
WOLFEN SOCIETY - Conquer Divine, USA, old school death metal, house of death, MCD
MORBID ANGEL - Covenant, USA, death metal legend, koch international
SERPENTIA - Dark Fields Of Pain, Poland, melodic death metal, metal mind

All CD's - 5 euro.

Contact: damnedpages@yahoo.com