transient said:
Creeperdeath said:hey
im the guitarist/vocal of the video
and let me tell you guys that I dont give a fuck that you didnt like my voice or the drummer or the quality of the video... we are good... we got some prob sometimes but dont tell me thing like play green day ahah... downfall is easy to play and stop comparing us to CoB... if you only do that, you don't know anything in the best thing of world called music...
and at least... It is OUR video that there is on this forum... where is ur ?..
Creeperdeath said:hey
im the guitarist/vocal of the video
and let me tell you guys that I dont give a fuck that you didnt like my voice or the drummer or the quality of the video... we are good... we got some prob sometimes but dont tell me thing like play green day ahah... downfall is easy to play and stop comparing us to CoB... if you only do that, you don't know anything in the best thing of world called music...
and at least... It is OUR video that there is on this forum... where is ur ?..
Creeperdeath said:we are good...
Creeperdeath said:downfall is easy to play and stop comparing us to CoB...
Fetzer said:I am not responsible for what he says. And please, stop talking about that, not only it's not the good thread, but in more I believe that the question have been talked enough.