
cantaloupe - this summer melon takes its name from the town of cantaloupe near Rome. Most cantaloupes are elongated with craggy pale green or golden rinds, marked into segments. When ripe this melon is extremely fragrant and its flesh sweet.
K-z-H said:
i swear its like all thes retards with like 44 posts come and tehy think theyre ALL THAT!! Damn its pissing off *laughs at the purposeful irony*...
but yea that was gay of 3z3k13l...i mean who puts 3's instead of E's?!?!

but about the brownies and ice cream, its a valid question and some answers would actually be cool

Tr00 r34per put 3 in their name! You should know that!

KillerGon said:
brownies are THE weapon of choice for those who eat mary jane...

WHAT?! That is Such a bad stereotype...all stoners are NOT violent as well so that they need a 'weapon of choice'.

pshhh, the gall...
(i think im gonna coin that line and put it in my sig!)