2nd Recording Mix


New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2011
Hey guys, I'm back and I would to get some criticism on my 2nd recording me and my partner are working on. I have a general mix for the song, and it's still being worked on musically, but I was hoping you guys could give me some input on anything before I continue. Not all edits are done to the recording as far and silencing and such goes, but I'm obviously aware of those things.

I took a lot of your guy's advice on double tracking the rhythm guitar instead of single tracking and copying and it definitely made the difference! I can't believe how much fuller the sound is! I'm also messing with some new drum EQ's as well. Anyways, thanks in advance! BTW, there is iZotope Ozone on the mix down to add EQ's to drop the muddy sound.

I think, that the kick is a little low on volume, especially in the low end, I can hear its clickiness but I'm not really hearing any lower end to give it any thump.

Everything else sounded ok, if there is a bass guitar in the mix it needs to come up as well I believe