2XL Metal Shirts: Do they exist?

The whole "You must earn my respect" act sickens me, even if that was not what Brujerizmo was talking about.

One thing you will find among most "we were all born equal" people, is that they NEVER respect the "tyrants" of history. They're all "bad", and there was nothing "good" about them.

Two things, on that:

1) How would they know if there were good/bad things about them, when only the 'bad' things were recorded in history?

And 2) Can they not be respected as what they are? Yes, they can. It's just ignorance to claim otherwise.

I think.
Im not saying that i have no respect for slipknot fans, i have a few friends that do like slipknot. I respect even you, Sullen Jester. But when someone points out that they view someone as inferior because of their choice in life (ex: Dan and his view on FAGS), then im gonna treat them like a piece of shit.
Originally posted by Brujerismo
Im not saying that i have no respect for slipknot fans, i have a few friends that do like slipknot. I respect even you, Sullen Jester. But when someone points out that they view someone as inferior because of their choice in life (ex: Dan and his view on FAGS), then im gonna treat them like a piece of shit.

Read my first post about Respect, then think that last part through.

Why should you treat him like that? Because of a difference in opinion?

When he said "fag", do you know if he actually meant "you're a homosexual"? Or was he just saying it as an insulting word?
Like: dick, bitch, whore, christian, bigot, racist, idiot eg.
If I called you a dick, does that mean I think you're a walking, talking, large penis? No.. it does not..

Like I said, if he called you a "fag", it does not mean outright that he thinks your a homosexual, it just means he's insulting you.
That doesnt warrant the treatment of shit, as you two could be best of friends. You may have more in common than you know, and you're letting this idiocy block out a potential friendship.

And I don't recall Dan saying "You're a fag, therefore you are inferior", he said merely "Fag", which in that he shouldn't have done to begin with.

It's just not pleasant :lol:

I don't even know if what I am saying makes sense anymore. I need more caffeine.
Besides Brujeria's Brujerismo is just as bad as slipknot it has some invited assholes singing from my city that are rap/new metal and even rap/country/whatever bullshit brujerismo is got to be the most embarasing cd anyone could listen to even more so than britney spears so he should look out before talking a bit
He used it as an insult, but that doesn't mean he has things against gays.

If I call you a whore, does it mean I'm against prostitutes? No..

Dan, be honest, now, are you homophobic?
I guess it's the only way to find out.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Besides Brujeria's Brujerismo is just as bad as slipknot it has some invited assholes singing from my city that are rap/new metal and even rap/country/whatever bullshit brujerismo is got to be the most embarasing cd anyone could listen to even more so than britney spears so he should look out before talking a bit


Jesus, you were the first person to finally notice that. Thank you misanthrope. I thought someone on this board would realize this soon after me posting 5 times, but it obviously took longer than that. yes brujeria and slipknot are both a shame to the metal community, but worse than britney spears??? :confused: :confused: :confused:

please redeem yourself misanthrope and say that britney spears is even more horrible than brujeria and slipknot PLEASE. If you dont, you are obviously more attracted to her music than her tits.
I was a fan of Brujeria back in 8th grade when matando gÜeros game out and if you look back at things it IS quite a shame. And ive seen those Flor de Lingo idiots and those Control Machete rockstars walk around in parties in my city, it sickens me, even more than the discustingly tanned britney spears tits so the fact that a band like Brujeria let them sing on their cd in my mind is worst than let britney spears sing on the cd. This is why i said that not because i like britney spears.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
I was a fan of Brujeria back in 8th grade when matando gÜeros game out and if you look back at things it IS quite a shame. And ive seen those Flor de Lingo idiots and those Control Machete rockstars walk around in parties in my city, it sickens me, even more than the discustingly tanned britney spears tits so the fact that a band like Brujeria let them sing on their cd in my mind is worst than let britney spears sing on the cd. This is why i said that not because i like britney spears.

Yeah, you should have spoken your mind about my name long ago, heh. The only thing is, is that i have to start off with a clean slate of posts now. :spin:
If i start mentioning every little thing that bothers me with people of the forum i would have to give up things like school, band and eating and sleeping just to make a short list of it. I rather let 90% of the things get by and just ignore them. The other 10%...well ask satori or lina.
I think I love Sullen Jester :D

I agree with everything he said.

Although I do think that anyone who uses "fag" in a deragatory way should be shot in the kneecap. I hate that word.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
If i start mentioning every little thing that bothers me with people of the forum i would have to give up things like school, band and eating and sleeping just to make a short list of it. I rather let 90% of the things get by and just ignore them. The other 10%...well ask satori or lina.

Yeah, you're right, sorry. I would be the most annoying person if i pointed out everything that i hate. Im not the complaining type.
Some guy i know once had a custom made Dying Fetus tshirt specially made by Dying Fetus for him ( he was friends with them ) and it was xxxl ( he was bigger even than me he is lie 6'5 and 350 pounds ). But yea considering the average metalhead if you look closely, is not by any means thin compared to the rest of the population metalheads are bigger and more fat. Strange thing, maybe its because there are a lot of 30 year old drunken metalheads with huge beer bellies but there should is a market for xxl metal tshirts.