3 Inches of Blood – Fire Up the Blades

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
3 Inches of Blood – Fire Up the Blades
Roadrunner – 1686-180232 – 26 June 07
By Ryan Starr


“The weak will burn!”

That pretty much sums up Fire Up the Blades. Like a Manowar album, the worthy will rock and the posers shall be slayed. I know 3 Inches of Blood are a hot topic in the scene. Some people love them, and some hate them. But for a guy who loves cheesy metal about ‘Infinite Legions’ of undead demon hordes, this is just too cool.

Everyone should know what to expect from this band. Great riffs with a delightfully old school vibe are this bands trademark, and this album has that in spades. Even the parts with blast beats sound old school. And while the riffs and leads aren’t as technical as the latest Widow release, they are well written and memorable. But don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying everything is over simplified radio tripe. That couldn’t be further from the truth. There is enough shred to give the fans of guitar wankery a small fix, but don’t expect anything on the level of Satriani or Malmsteen. And they don’t need to be. The key to a great solo isn’t how many notes you can fit into 30 seconds, but how memorable it is. The ability to write a lead that will have you standing on your desk at work playing air guitar. And 3 Inches of Blood can do that time after time.

Not only can they write killer leads, but they can also write a catchy chorus. ‘The Hydra’s Teeth’ is a perfect example of this. I don’t know what it is about that vocal melody, but I just can’t help myself, I need to sing along. I probably look like a total retard driving around town singing, and my Halford vocals are terrible, but who cares?! I wanna rock!

I know I bag on bands for not being progressive and just rehashing the classics. And I really do hate that, but Fire Up the Blades is proof that you can borrow from the greats and still make it sound new and different. It takes a lot of heart and creativity, and perhaps a lot of beer, but it can be done.

Official 3 Inches of Blood Website
Official Roadrunner Website
I didn't know what to think when I heard of these guys. I think I heard them on XM Radio on DirecTV once... i thought a metalcore band was coming on or something but then I was pleasantly surprised! These guys are pretty coool... I like the falsettos... big King Diamond fan, heheh... :)
You opened for them? By yourself, or what? I opened for a local band on Kazoo once, it was pretty fun. :)

I haven't heard this yet but Advance and Vanquish was great.
Admire these guys very much, but agree that "Advance and Vanquish" was a little more to my liking. Nobody who hears them can doubt their metal hearts.

For an even better version of this style, try the new Skeletonwitch album...
i cant wait to see them this friday. i'm gonna need to bring alot of money to buy shirts and cds
I'm not gonna buy this album, because i fell in love with 'deadly sinners' then they let me down with a shit song like 'balls of ice'. I'd like to get to know 3iob more though so can anyone reccommend some songs?
I agree with you on this band;) They are an awesome example of what originalists in metal should be. The sound is fuming with power and wonderful chaos on a mountain of viciously content vocals. I listen to them quite often and see them evolving with each track. It's beautifully metal!
I'm far from being a fan of thins kind of ganre. But I must say, they have very good elements of sound that many bands are missing out on.
I'm not gonna buy this album, because i fell in love with 'deadly sinners' then they let me down with a shit song like 'balls of ice'. I'd like to get to know 3iob more though so can anyone reccommend some songs?

Balls of ICe was recorded long before deadly sinners and that song rocks.
Yea 3IoB is a fabulous band,I got hooked (also) after hearing Deadly Sinners,there are just a few gripes that I don't like (Balls of Ice being one of them) overall they pretty much rock :-D
I picked up Fire up the blades and thought it was awesome...then I picked up Advance and Vanquish and realised it wasn't. A & V kicks Serious Ass!!!
Actually my agreement goes with Buttock on this one, i saw a show in Bellingham WA a few years back with Full Frontal Assult, and was completely surprised by Three inches of Blood, Good stage show and damn fine execution on thier last cd, but the new one was the same thing again, i can listen to it still, but only so-often. And i wouldn't really compare them to Manowar... I mean, "Other bands play...."
I found the album to be pretty solid. I mean the songs don't stick out as much as tracks like Battles and Brotherhood or Deadly Sinners but nonetheless. A very nice album.
Fire Up the Blades marks the first major role of Joey Jordison of Slipknot and Murderdolls, as a producer, who revealed that he'd been a fan of the band since their first studio album, Battlecry Under a Wintersun.

best potato chips
When I first saw them in Vancouver at Music West about 10 years ago I was not very impresed. However I was listening to CBC the other day and a song come on and I found myself really enjoying it. Turns out it was 3 Inches of Blood.

So I went out and bought Fire up the Blades FUCKING great album