3 Qs


Sep 12, 2002
1.) i keep getting the last singing part of astral projections caught up in my mental track of marathon something fierce; so, like, why, and, would the band consider this bad, good, or irrelevant?

2.) i have just counted up about $27 in loose change; which DVD should i buy today, if any? because death from above, or more likely, sideways—always looms.

3.) why is it that people who prefer to spell things with an olde-english twist (ie 'favourite') seem to prefer to drop those words into textual commentary more often than words with a non-olde-english differential?
i like how if arafat or xfer post, the other responds within 20 seconds or so of the other, but i have viable questions that alex takes like 15 minutes to get around to DUSTING UNDER THE FUCKING RUG
I type weird now because I spend more time with Victorian literature than I do socializing....
It's the suspect king of the roughnecks, bonafide
Worldwide, your highness, the finest
Big as China, nigga rhymer, chart climber
Quick to send a first - timer back to his Aunt Jemimah
Physi - cal, nigga roll with the winners
After these dinners, go out and represent us
We got antennas, scanners and satellites
To see if you battle right, we got to bite
Hold on tight, shake, and pump venom
Some haters don't learn til you leave lead in em
See the dead in em, rigarmortis spread in em
Keep your mouth shut, motherfuckin mouth slug
See these crossed legs, quick to cross Feds
Foe to mighty one, it's the mighty son
Fuck dying!
Look, I ain't thomas Dolby,
science doesn't blind me,
think you're smart? Form a line behind me,
you won't find me, truth to tell,
to be a man who suffers fools very well.
Quite the opposite in fact,
I aint got time to interact,
with crystal wearing freaks in need of a smack.
New age motherfuckers? Don't get me started,
I made more sense than them, last time I farted.

Not to put too fine a point upon it,
but the whole new age movement is full of shit.
Please allow me to elaborate,
explicate, expatiate.
from astral projection to zygomancy its a,
mish mash of idiocy.
Instead of the archaic worship of seasons,
they should explore logic and reason.