3 really excellent new albums: Melechesh | Ludicra | Unleashed


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
maximum volume yields maximum results

Melechesh - even with the absence of Proscriptor, they've done wonders again especially with the background chants etc. Good, pounding, eerie stuff. Atmosphere galore.

Ludicra - well, I guess three time's a charm because THIS is the album to put them on the map. Each song is as good as the next -- it's exactly what the Hammers would sound like if they played black metal (all completely mid-paced). "Only a Moment" is def contending for SONG OF THE YEAR.

Unleashed - huge surprise here, and it's been a while since I've heard an album once and then immediately played it again from the beginning. Stunning riffs, a ton of "flight of the bumblebee" type leads, great vocals...totally in their element again.

That is all.
JayKeeley said:
Unleashed - huge surprise here, and it's been a while since I've heard an album once and then immediately played it again from the beginning. Stunning riffs, a ton of "flight of the bumblebee" type leads, great vocals...totally in their element again.

Still need to listen to this, though based on everything I've been hearing I expect it to ruleth mightily. Have you heard their previous one "Sworn Allegiance"? It absolutely kicked my ass in when I heard it, but it wasn't my copy and I haven't been able to listen to it since. I think it's generally regarded as on par with "Mindvinterblot" as well, so it's worth tracking down. A HUGE step forward for them after the lackluster reunion album "Hell's Unleashed".

The songs I heard from the new Unleashed were nothing to get wet over. Mediocre at best.

Ludicra's output, "Fex Urbis Lex Orbis" is a major step above "Another Great Love Song".

Melechesh- Need to hear more of.

Fuck I feel dehydrated.
The new Unleashed as well as the new Melechesh ... just comes out of the gate in your face ... like old school Tyson in the first 20 seconds.
The new Unleashed sounds perfectly middle of the road. Wtf is so great about this album?

Melechesh & Ludicra on the other hand :kickass:

Anyone heard Canadian band Antiquus? New album coming down the tube from Cruz Del Sur and the one song I just checked out sounded nice and epic!

edit: holy tits this is good stuff, here's a link for anyone who remembers how cool Enrico and his label are:
Regarding Unleashed, I'll make it real easy for some of you who might have stopped listening after 10 seconds... :

Listen to "Midvinterblot", "In Victory or Defeat", "New Dawn Rising", and "Loyalty and Pride".

That's 4 songs in 10 minutes, so not a lot of time to invest. I'll be amazed if you're not impressed. :kickass:
I just checked out the 2 songs out of those four that are available on their website and they sound above average but nothing spectacular. I'd have to be in the mood to listen to this album even once, never mind twice in a row.

JK, you really should check out that link above if you haven't already, it sounds like your kind of thing!
Ludicra - well, I guess three time's a charm because THIS is the album to put them on the map. Each song is as good as the next -- it's exactly what the Hammers would sound like if they played black metal (all completely mid-paced). "Only a Moment" is def contending for SONG OF THE YEAR.

I'm thinking about recommending LUDICRA as my second reco. Yeah, I know it seems obvious (at least to some of us) but I wonder just how many people here have seriously checked them out?

Maybe I will. If for any reason, absolutely everyone on this board needs to hear "Only a Moment".
I'll go download Ludicra now. But I doubt it will replace the new Dark Tranquillity album in my playlist.

Excellent music, not what I expected from the band name. Looking for places to buy their stuff now.

To me it sounds like a rockier Enslaved without the prog. The vocals especially remind me of Enslaved (listening to Fex urbis lex orbis).
I'm thinking about recommending LUDICRA as my second reco. Yeah, I know it seems obvious (at least to some of us) but I wonder just how many people here have seriously checked them out?

I have, but... Considering such a huge fan I am of the Bay-Area metal scene, that should be a given. :kickass:
I didn't think the new Unleashed was that great, just okay death metal, like most new stuff.

The new Melechesh isn't too bad, but I still never want to go listen to them.
I'll go download Ludicra now. But I doubt it will replace the new Dark Tranquillity album in my playlist.

Excellent music, not what I expected from the band name. Looking for places to buy their stuff now.

To me it sounds like a rockier Enslaved without the prog. The vocals especially remind me of Enslaved (listening to Fex urbis lex orbis).


Indeed it is excellent. I've heard others mention the Enslaved similarity too.
I've really never understood the Enslaved comparisons... as I've seen it in a few reviews and random forums.

I feel the album is quite unique, and is an interesting listening experience every time I put it in my player.