3d shit

PanzerKunt said:
If you have no social life like Profanity but spend your time trying to figure out how the hell 3dsmax works instead of makinf 30.000+ completely useless posts you'll eventually get there. I did that, but since I have friends it took longer time than Profanity would use.

where has he been lately?? im really enjoying his absence :grin:

btw kunt great job on the character, cant wait for the flames :rock:
He's not dead yet! (no CoB pun intended at all)






hollllyyy shit that is fucking awesome!
even though its only about 60-70% done its still kicks ass great job PanzerKunt
PanzerKunt said:
I was sick last week and did pretty much nothing exept play WoW (my friend forced me and it was suddenly fun again), Final Fantasy 7 and doodle arond in 3dsmax. I ended up with this character that I decided to work more on and would like some input if any of you guys know anything about the subject.
The horns are temporary, Im gonna make them in flames somehow but haven't gotten that far yet. The skin color is a temporary non textured thing because theres no point in making the tex before the geometry if finished.





This kinda looks like you :)
But the new ones don't have irises and pupils so they don't have expression and therefore don't look like you :erk:
oh, and great modelling :lol: