3dMark03 scores


sock puppet
Oct 14, 2002
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I just ran 3dmark03 for the first time on my machine. These are my specs:

Pentium 4 2.4c ghz (running @ 2.8 ghz. I'm in the process of overclocking this thing. I hope to hit at least 3.1 for Doom 3 and HL2.)
Abit IC7 motherboard
1 GB PC3200 RAM
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (overclocked to 411/350)

My score was 5908. I'm really new to benchmarking and all that jazz so I don't know if that's a good score. I'm assuming it'll go up a bit once I squeeze more out of my cpu.
My specs

P4 1.6ghz williamette core *oldest core*
512mb PC-133 shitty.....
9700 Pro oced to 9800pro speeds

i got 2,809..