
not sure if it is celebrated overseas. In canada hundreds of people congregate outside of our parliament buildings and smoke reefer. cops just stand around, knowing they cant very well bust everyone :haha: good times!
Awesome! I went down to the beach like I do every year on 420. Smoked up with tons of random people. Always a good way to meet good folk! Went to band practice, we all got ripped. Needless to say, it wasn't the most productive rehearsal! Hahaha!
4/20 was good for me. I went to work and removed glass from a tram module. After that I installed some windscreens/windshields and then came home and drank some beer, ate dinner and farted around on my pos computer.

Whats so great about Hitler's birthday anyway?
4/20 was good for me. I went to work and removed glass from a tram module. After that I installed some windscreens/windshields and then came home and drank some beer, ate dinner and farted around on my pos computer.

Whats so great about Hitler's birthday anyway?

In the states, everyone gets absolutley roasted. It's like a marijuana holiday.

I don't know if people are in teh know overseas about it.

But like SocialN said, most people are having it everyday anyway.

might be why europeans dont celebrate this "holiday" I`m not sure how 420 is actually related to smoking pot? anyone care to enlighten us?

Wikipedia to the rescue! :D

The origin of the term stems from a story about a group of teenagers at San Rafael High School in San Rafael, California, United States in 1971.[1][2] The teens would meet after school at 4:20 p.m. to smoke marijuana at the Louis Pasteur statue.

Pretty fucking lame if you ask me, I was hoping it'd be a bit more interesting than that!
I didn't smoke on 420 D:
I smoked on 421 though, and I got absolutely annihilated and listened to Jazz at my bud's flat with him and his girlfriend.
But that happens like 3-4 times a week anyway, so this was nothing special.
4/20 has just turned into a cute marketing scheme for drug dealers and it is just an excuse to smoke more. It could be a day where "smokers of marijuana" could make a statement to the government of how asinine it is that it's illegal but that point is kind of deterred when the "pot heads" just talk about how much they smoked and how retarded they were.

I'd enjoy a good L on 4/19 just as much as I would on 4/20.