4 American tour dates for you

Jan. 19 – Montreal, QUE @ Foufounes Electriques
Jan. 21- Springfield, VA @ Jaxx
Jan. 24 – Toronto, ONT @ The Opera House
Jan. 25 - Clevland, OH @ Agora Theatre
Jan. 27 – Chicago, IL @ House of Blues

I will end up going on road trip to LA as arizona promoters aren't going to pay the high guarantee asked by the bands due to us having too many metal fans that say they will go yet find reasons not to go.
WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY does Tapping the Vein have to be on this bill!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! SHITTY POP MUSIC! And I dislike Lacuna COilk and everything by Paradise Lost post-draconian times, so we'll see....but Opeth is all I need...