4 Guitars EQ


Sep 1, 2004
Erfurt, Germany

When you mix 4 rhythm guitar tracks how do you EQ them?
Assuming they are panned 1 left, 2 right, 3 left/half left, 4 right/half right.

Do you EQ them all the same? Or do you roll off the lows on two guitars?
Well i usually find it necessary to get rid of some rumbling on all the guitars, to avoid it sounding like an earthquake.

Me too. But that's not what I mean. I mean, do you use the additional guitars only to add more thickness in the mid range, or do you handle all guitars equally?
mh - haven't recorded 4 rhythm guitars yet but I would try roll of some
lows of the hard left and right panned tracks and have the low ends coming
from the tracks left/half left and right/half right tracks (playing around with the
panning a bit maybe) so that the lows coming more from the center.

I don't know if that would kill the bass though ..... just an idea ....