4 July Victory Against Evil Multiracial Empire


Dec 12, 2005
4 July is a celebration of independence from the British Empire in 1776. It is celebrated as if the British Empire was objectionable for fascistic oppressiveness and unreasonable taxation demands. That is a Masonic falsification of history. Very few Americans even paid taxes, as they lived in clearings in the woods and ate squirrels and potatoes.

The real reason for British military intervention in the years prior to 1776 was that the Empire had come to an agreement with Red Indians to limit White colonization to 13 states and not allow our people to move beyond the mountain peaks of the Appellation mountains.

Following Daniel Boone’s discovery of the Cumberland Gap in 1775, White settlers with their high birth rate, had been expanding beyond the Appalachian peaks into Red Indian territory - expanding our race. Daniel Boone himself had 10 children. This achievement was the irritant that drove the British Empire to send troops to stop Americans breaking the treaty that the Empire had made with the Red Indians and drive back White settlers out of Indian territory.

Most settlers were fighters of Red Indians and expert survivalists and pioneers with families and children to protect. They were the wrong people to be picking a fight with.

White settlers of the East Appalachians were the Nietzschean type of self-reliant White man that couldn’t be told what to do by anyone. These people lived in a state of permanent warfare with Red Indians who would massacre and scalp them given half a chance. So, when the revolt against tax broke out amongst the wealthy in Boston, they found a ready pool of warriors willing and enthusiastic (for other reasons) to fight the British Empire.

History is written by the wealthy elite. They claim the American civil war was purely a matter of objecting to taxation, but to those who fought it was a war for the survival of the White race. The British Empire was treasonous to the White race. They enforced multiracialism and were also the main source of slave imports. They regularly used non-White troops - eg. East Indian colonials and Red Indian auxiliaries. The British Empire was run by corrupt businessmen and incompetent military leaders.

When the Boers later tried a similar revolt against the British Empire, a century later, their attempt failed because the British Empire had learned how to counter American style insurgency. This style can never work again, since military thinking has moved on. If the British Empire of 1900 had fought an American rebellion, they would have done so with the method used in South Africa: carve the country into 10 mile squares with thousands of miles of barbed wire on the scale only Julius Caesar would previously have conceived. Each square would have then been cleansed of rebels and their families put into “protective custody” ie the original concentration camps.

As regards celebrating the fourth of July, the real reason for Americans to rejoice is remembering the victory of White American settlers over the multiracialist British Empire.
Oh man, talk about a 200+ year old grudge. Every Brit I've ever encountered, wherever I was in the world, is STILL bitter about the War of Independence.

It's true that history is written by the wealthy white man, and there definitely are NONE of those in Great Britain, right?
Oh man, talk about a 200+ year old grudge. Every Brit I've ever encountered, wherever I was in the world, is STILL bitter about the War of Independence.

It's true that history is written by the wealthy white man, and there definitely are NONE of those in Great Britain, right?

I dont think its so much the actual war itself but the fact that America has unseated England as a superpower and the once mighty English Empire has to accept that its child is now more powerful than she
Oh man, talk about a 200+ year old grudge. Every Brit I've ever encountered, wherever I was in the world, is STILL bitter about the War of Independence.

It's true that history is written by the wealthy white man, and there definitely are NONE of those in Great Britain, right?

Did you actually r-e-a-d what she posted? If you did, you would understand that she actually praised America's war for independence and she was critical of the ruling class of the British Empire. Where is the bitterness? As far as this claim that history is written by the wealthy white man, that may have been true in the Western world during the 1920's, but in the modern Western world that is far from the case.
I dont think its so much the actual war itself but the fact that America has unseated England as a superpower and the once mighty English Empire has to accept that its child is now more powerful than she

That may have been the case centuries ago, but certain elements of the American and British ruling class were more then happy to become allies against the German Empire during world war I and completely destroy their cities with firebombs during the second world war. American and British elitist now share a common neo-conservative or "democratic" agenda which is against the true interest of American and British nationalist. The same is true with the entire Western world...that is the sad reality.
Her post is not new. My grandfather's brother used to lecture me as a kid that the reason for the American revolution was to get over the Cumberland Gap and drive those Indians off their lands. He still a devoted servant of the Indian righteousness cause at the age of 90.

Granted, settlement (and 100 years of Indian wars) began even as the ink was attempting to dry on the Declaration of Independence, but I received no education about this "hidden truth" in my supra-liberal state university. My balding, hand-wringing little professor shed genuine tears over "100,000,000 slaves thrown overboard on the great passage" but he did not specify a single instance where any member of the Continental Congress, or colonial governor, or pamphleteer, used the closed western territories as a reason for breaking away from England.

The only time he did mention anything west of the Cumberland Gap was that British weren't even required to surrender their lands between the Appalachians and the Mississippi, but were kind enough to do so in order to wrap up the peace in 1783.
