45%Revalver Mk II + 45%Nuendo + 10%ASIO = wtf%

I know this may sound stupid but have you looked for driver updates? Also my question would be, why are two different manufactures fighting over the same driver?

that doesn't sound stupid at all man, I totally forgot to download the updates and install them after I set up my new machine:lol:
seems as though I was sidetracked after all that installing, updating and testing that I overlooked something so basic (how ironic once again...something little)
now after installing the emu "hotfix" when I scroll down the list of audio configurations there are several asio dual outputs (emu0404 has built in dsp mixer and dual physical mono 1/4" outputs L/R)
It now shows all the possible ins/outs as opposed to "available" ins/outs that are created in the emu's dsp mixer and it seems as if my latency has improved slightly but I might just be overjoyed and hallucinating.

I just have to find the faulty vst that is freezing nuendo on start-up (I've had this problem before and it was only a matter of removing the newer vsts from the folder)
well like a dumbarse I started moving them back one by one and starting up nuendo to make sure the newly installed vsts aren't faulty.
...by the way, I found the vsts I'm speaking of in a sticky (I believe) about free vst plugins here on the forum... went nuts, downloaded almost all of them and now I sort through the steinberg/nuendo/vsts folder to find out which one of these is not like the others...
anyone download all those free plugs and have any issues with the daw?
maybe I should start a new thread for this issue non-related to RevalverMkII...:zombie: