5 Billion Dead – 5 Billion Dead


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
5 Billion Dead – 5 Billion Dead
Self-released – EP – 2004
By Russell Garwood


5 Billion Dead hail from Orlando, FL, and play nu-metal. But shtop! Before you all turn stop reading, and shake your head in disgust, hear me out, because to pigeonhole the band as such is doing them a disservice.

The nu-metal elements are certainly there; a strong rhythm section, prominent bass, groove-laden songs and crushing, largely riff-free guitars. Yet there are some other influences at work here, one track on this four-song EP shows the slightest hint of some eastern leanings, while the vocals occasionally stray into death metal territory. The double-kick orientated drums also speak of heaver inspiration. As such 5BD are more extreme than the average nu-metal band, and the standard of their material is a lot higher than the normal for an unsigned act in the genre. The guitars are well performed, and hold enough melody to create memorable songs, while at times lending the music a far heavier edge. Quiet moments are an effective contrast, and allow for the very nu-metal singing. When this isn’t at the forefront, heavier growling than the expected angst-ridden shout dominates, and sporadic very rough singing is a nice addition to the varied performance. The lyrics, however, leave something to be desired, steadfastly staying in angsty teen territory. The drums are well performed, providing momentum and immediacy to the music, while the bass is slap heavy and highly melodic.

Hence, 5BD show promise. They can certainly write a solid tune, and are competent musicians, yet their sound lacks individuality. Some moments are original and commendable, but a lot of the rest of the songs are nothing we haven’t heard many, many times before. If the group focus on the less generic elements of their sound, they are likely to have a very bright future. In the meantime, 5 Billion Dead is well worth checking out for fans of nu-metal.


Official 5 Billion Dead website