$5 discount tix to our Normandie Casino show May 7th


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
Our next show is at the lovely Normandie Casino in Gardena! It's a really great showroom and was a sellout last time we played there. :rock: They are threatening to close the room down so the venue really needs the support to keep the live music going there. What better excuse to come down for a set of Iron Maiden and support the venue at the same time! PLUS if you click here http://www.theironmaidens.com/index_images/1NormandieTicket.jpg
and bring the print out you get in for just $5.

Rumor has it we'll be adding a new tune to the set that night too........we shall see! ;)

And you gotta check out Black Out - tribute to the Scorpions! These guys are soooo much fun!!! Brings back soooo many memories!

For more info please go to: http://www.theironmaidens.com/tour/shows.html
Hey David, is that you? :wave: Welcome to our little community on the boards! This guy is coming out from Scotland and will be at our Normandie show! See ya tomorrow and have a safe flight! :rock:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Hey David, is that you? :wave: Welcome to our little community on the boards! This guy is coming out from Scotland and will be at our Normandie show! See ya tomorrow and have a safe flight! :rock:

Yep, I'm the one :grin:

It is 3:29am here in Edinburgh, I've had 4 hours sleep, got a taxi due in 40 mins - wheres the coffee!!

See ya all shortly ladies :grin:
