5 favourite ever footballers/crisps

Kenny Dalglish - ORIGINAL ringos (anyone rememeber them?)
Ian Rush - Skydivers
Bruce Grobbelar - Footballs
Alan Kennedy - ORIGINAL beef monstermunch (anyone rememeber them?)
John Wark - Cheese and Onion Square Crisps
Barney rock- tayto cheese and onion- classic
kevin moran- minichips salt and vinegar (for all the bitter scousers)
Johhny giles -meanies for decking kevin keegan
pat jennings- pringles cos hes a lanky fuck
roy keane- burger bites cos you can never get em in ireland these days
they're probably five years out of date though.
i used to ask in this shop for burger bites all the time when i was a nipper and they never had them, then one day i went in for chipsticks and the man said "we have burger bites now cos you always wanted them" and i said i preferred chipsticks now. he he he
Eric Cantona
David Ginola
Van Hostelroy
my friend says Peter Beardsey? and Graham Gooch?

Salt and Shake it
Fly by nights plain
wendy's beef
dinasaurus cheese
boom booms chilli

does anyone remember vamouch originals mmmmmyum :hotjump:
original monster munch : top notch!
burger bites, sam spudz is still rollin them out down here. go to tescos youll get a 10 pack there.
skips are nice, hula hoops, waffles, tay to!
Raven Soul said:
Eric Cantona
David Ginola
Van Hostelroy
my friend says Peter Beardsey? and Graham Gooch?
Can anyone actually think of food when they see this man:

I don't know crap about crisps, so

1. Peter Schmeichel
2. Eric Cantona
3. Patrik Vieira
4. Jari Litmanen
5. Ryan Giggs

Ahh fuck I don't know anything about football either.