5 things you want to be/things your grandad says(said)


original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
1) Secret ninja warrior / 'that's gear that'
2) Superhero with reality manipulating powers / 'cup of tea for John'
3) Creator of art/music/noise (producing stuff) / 'anything for a quiet life'
4) Queen of The Dreaming (Sandman comics) / 'oooo ALRIGHT Ess*'
5) Insane but not certifiable person / 'I'm getting to old for this malarky'

*Ess is Esther my nan.
luftwaffe pilot/ "when i was locked up with brendan behans brother"
dublin hurler/"that time i broke out of mountjoy jail"
a transformer/"take them shaggin dogs out!"
rich/"wheres my glasses?"
Some kid in a comic that had a steel shark submarine/"that bitch thatcher"
i forgot my favourite "i'll run em like a redshank" whenever someone he didnt like came to the door, most notably medical professionals
free / "onze vader"
a scientist / "die in de hemelen zij"
loved / "uw wil geschiedde"
a musician / "uw koninkrijk kome"
wise / "tot in eeuwigheid"
not have a fucked up shoulder/want some pop?
lower sex drive/thats gear that(i didnt know anyone else said that blackeyed)
less grey hair/it never rains it always pours.
slimmer/stay out the outhouse theres spiders in there.
james hetfield/"come on kiss me"
wolverine/"i remember once, it was friday, december 12th 1932...etc"
conan the barbarian/"ive lost everything"
rich/"spot on"
singer/"i felt sorry for (someone)"
dominic, me cousins named after him. Seems he was a shirt-lifter. Im hoping my grand da didnt find that out the hard way while he was sharing a cell with em :erk:
Bambi said:
dominic, me cousins named after him. Seems he was a shirt-lifter. Im hoping my grand da didnt find that out the hard way while he was sharing a cell with em :erk:

yeah, that would've been rough on your aul granda.

My granda, after the first sup of his guinness, used to say:

"ahh.. thats better".

i just want to be minted and not have to work monday to friday to pay for saturday and sunday.
As for my grandfather (the one I knew), I don't remember him saying things, apart from calling me March and promising to make me a pair of wooden slippers (which he never made, I guess he was just joking). Much later he promised to kill himself by blowing up the house.
a lecturer / a vic mo chroi ( no i cant spell it right, it means son of my heart)
a doctor / shut that door
a pilot / get any turf this year?
rich / play a game of cards?
president / dont tell your granny im smoking
hahaha i love these grandad sayings... and i didnt know there was anyone else who said 'thats gear that' must have been an inner liverpool war-time effort of a saying.

didnt you have a grandad dunc?