5 things you want to be/things your grandad says(said)

blackeyed said:
hahaha i love these grandad sayings... and i didnt know there was anyone else who said 'thats gear that' must have been an inner liverpool war-time effort of a saying.

didnt you have a grandad dunc?
As far as I know I had 2, but never met them like.
Are you upset about "thats gear that" being so common?
Actually i was just thinking, being a transformer would still be brilliant. mind you theyd probably slap tax and insurance on you and energon might be hard to find but still..
you never heard of gear?? "thats only fucking gear"?? like "thats rapid"??. jesus the inbreeding out in tallaght must be getting worse
here bambi, what is the auld triangle?
ahh ffs, youre taking the piss now, its in the lyrics to the song but you been a soutsider ye mightn know that mountjoy is allonng the banks of the royaaail canaaall.

but do ye know what the waxies dargle was?? and no forraging for the answer!!
that is gear that triangle.

i'm not upset about it being common, if you were referring to me and not ald bambibum. i cant see how anyone would be upset about it.....maybe i'll get upet about it when grandaddy pops his clogs. (i secretly can't stop thinking and mentioning the fact that he's going to go soonish - is that morbid or realistic?)
Bambi said:
ahh ffs, youre taking the piss now, its in the lyrics to the song but you been a soutsider ye mightn know that mountjoy is allonng the banks of the royaaail canaaall.

but do ye know what the waxies dargle was?? and no forraging for the answer!!
its a pub innit?
both the waxies dargle and the auld triangle are/were boozers, actually it think the same pub was called both. but thats not the answer

waxies dargle was a yearly ball that the tailors in dublin had back in the rare ould time, waxie is an old word for tailor apparently.

Jaysus ,i better impart all me dublin wisdom to someone before me, ronnie drew and mr brennan die and its all lost forever :cry:
Bambi said:
both the waxies dargle and the auld triangle are/were boozers, actually it think the same pub was called both.
reeeeeeeeally..... ive never been into the auld triangle, ever go the big tree there beside it, its a good spot.
bleh..its okay for you youngsters. if im ever down that way, id sooner head into the berkeley off berkeley street, or maybe even kavanaghs, the red parrot/o maras or findlaters on dorset street

or maybe walk up to the metro on parnell street. dorset street has an well above average amount of knackery pubs